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发布时间:2018-07-27 11:01
【摘要】:本论文的主要目的是探讨颈静脉灌注不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物的混合物对泌乳奶牛血液生理生化指标及抗氧化能力的影响,以期为进一步研究优化乳脂肪酸组成提供理论依据。本论文分为三个试验。试验一,研究颈静脉灌注不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物对泌乳奶牛血液生理生化指标的影响。试验动物选用8头(泌乳天数101±11d)中国荷斯坦奶牛,预装有颈静脉插管。灌注试验采用4×4拉丁方设计。预饲期为14d,试验期为48d,共4期试验,每期试验分为5d的灌注期和7d的排空期。4个试验处理分别是:OS组:橄榄油(90g)和红花油(80g)(主要包含C18:1cis-9和C18:2cis-6);2)OF组:橄榄油(76g)和亚麻籽油(91g)(主要包含C18:1cis-9和C18:3n-3);3)SF组:红花油(70g)和亚麻籽油(91g)(主要包含C18:2cis-6和C18:3n-3);4)OSF组:橄榄油(68g),红花油(65g)和亚麻籽油(91g)(主要包含C18:1cis-9, C18:2cis-6和C18:3n-3)。OS处理中含有43.10%C18:1cis-9和42.58%C18:2cis-6。OF处理中含有43.69%C18:1cis-9和29.94% C18:3n-3。SF处理中含有44.72%C18:2cis-6和30.50% C18:3n-3。OSF'处理中含有33.02%C18:1cis-9,32.94%C18:2cis-6和22.63% C18:3n-3。试验结果显示,灌注不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物对泌乳奶牛血糖,白蛋白,尿素氮,谷草转氨酶,谷丙转氨酶,甘油三酯,游离脂肪酸,胰岛素,钙,磷和镁等含量没有影响。SF组的血液中的总蛋白、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇和胆固醇含量显著低于OSF组(P0.05)。试验二,研究颈静脉灌注不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物对泌乳奶牛血液脂·肪酸组成和抗氧化能力的影响。试验结果显示,OF处理组的血液脂肪酸中C18:1cis-9含量显著高于SF处理组(P0.05);OS处理组的血液脂肪酸中C18:2cis-6含量显著高于OF处理组和SF处理组(P0.05),而OSF处理组C18:2cis-6的含量显著高于OF处理组(P0.05);OS处理组的血液脂肪酸中C18:3n-3的含量显著低于其他三个处理组(P0.05)。各处理组之间血液中CAT活性和MDA含量差异不显著;OS处理组的T-AOC显著低于SF处理组(P0.05);SF处理组的SOD活性显著低于OS处理组和OSF处理组(P0.05);OS处理组的GSH-px活性显著低于SF处理组(P0.05)。试验三,研究了颈静脉灌注不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物对泌乳奶牛乳脂组成和氧化稳定性的影响。试验结果显示,OS处理组的乳脂中C16:0脂肪酸的含量显著高于OF处理组(P0.05),但C18:0脂肪酸含量在各处理组之间没有差异。OF处理组的乳脂中C18:1 cis-9含量显著高于SF处理组和OSF处理组(P0.05)。OF处理组的乳脂中C18:2cis-6的含量显著低于其他三个处理组(P0.05)。OS处理组乳脂中C18:3 n-3含量显著低于其他三个处理组(P0.05)OS处理组的PUFA/SFA比值显著低于SF处理组和OSF处理组(P0.05)。OF处理组中PUFA/SFA比值的变化趋势与OS处理组一致。乳中T-AOC, CAT活性,GSH-px活性和MDA含量在各处理组之间差异不显著;OS处理组SOD活性显著低于OSF处理组(P0.05)。总体试验结果显示,不同十八碳不饱和脂肪酸混合物对泌乳奶牛血液脂肪酸组成影响较大,并导致血液抗氧化能力下降。乳中脂肪酸组成出现变化但是并没有对乳脂稳定性造成影响。
[Abstract]:The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of the mixture of different eighteen carbon unsaturated fatty acids on the blood physiological and biochemical indexes and antioxidant capacity of lactating dairy cows in order to provide a theoretical basis for further research on the optimization of the composition of milk fatty acids. This paper is divided into three experiments. The effects of the mixture of the same eighteen carbon unsaturated fatty acids on the blood physiological and biochemical indexes of lactating dairy cows. The experimental animals selected 8 Chinese Holstein cows (101 + 11d), preloaded with jugular intubation. The perfusion test was designed with 4 x 4 Latin squares. The pre feeding period was 14d, the test period was 48D, and the 4 stages were tested, each period was divided into 5D perfusion period and 7. D's emptying period.4 tests are: group OS: olive oil (90g) and safflower oil (80g) (mainly including C18:1cis-9 and C18:2cis-6); 2) OF group: olive oil (76g) and linseed oil (91g) (C18:1cis-9 and C18:3n-3); 3) safflower and linseed oil, 4) olive group: olive group: olive group: olive group: olive group: olive group: olive group: olive group: olive 68g, 65g, and linseed oil (91g) (mainly including C18:1cis-9, C18:2cis-6, and C18:3n-3).OS processing containing 43.10%C18:1cis-9 and 42.58%C18:2cis-6.OF are contained in 43.69%C18:1cis-9 and 29.94% C18:3n-3.SF processing containing 44.72%C18:2cis-6 and 30.50% C18:2cis-6 and 22.63% C18:3n-3. test results showed that the content of blood glucose, albumin, urea nitrogen, cereal transaminase, alanine aminotransferase, triglyceride, free fatty acid, insulin, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium did not affect the total protein in the blood of group.SF, low density lipoprotein bile, and low density lipoprotein bile. The content of sterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol and cholesterol was significantly lower than that of OSF group (P0.05). Experiment two, the effects of different eighteen carbon unsaturated fatty acid mixtures on the blood lipid and fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity of lactating dairy cows were studied. The results showed that the content of C18:1cis-9 in the blood fatty acids in the OF treatment group was significantly higher than that of SF. In the treatment group (P0.05), the content of C18:2cis-6 in the blood fatty acids in the OS treatment group was significantly higher than that in the OF treatment group and the SF treatment group (P0.05), but the content of C18:2cis-6 in the OSF treatment group was significantly higher than that in the OF treatment group (P0.05), and the content of the C18:3n-3 in the blood fatty acids in the OS treatment group was significantly lower than that of the other three treatment groups. There was no significant difference in the activity of AT and the content of MDA; the T-AOC in the OS treatment group was significantly lower than that in the SF treatment group (P0.05); the SOD activity of the SF treatment group was significantly lower than that of the OS treatment group and the OSF treatment group (P0.05), and the activity of the OS treatment group was significantly lower than that of the treatment group. Experiment three, the mixture of different eighteen carbon unsaturated fatty acids in the jugular vein was studied. The results showed that the content of C16:0 fatty acids in the milk fat of the OS treatment group was significantly higher than that of the OF treatment group (P0.05), but the content of C18:0 fatty acids was not different between the.OF treatment group and the.OF treatment group, the C18:1 cis-9 content was significantly higher than that of the SF treatment group and the OSF treatment group (P0.05).OF. The content of C18:2cis-6 in the milk fat of the treatment group was significantly lower than the other three treatment groups (P0.05).OS treatment group, the content of C18:3 n-3 in the milk fat was significantly lower than the other three treatment groups (P0.05) OS treatment group, the PUFA/SFA ratio was significantly lower than the SF treatment group and OSF treatment group (P0.05).OF treatment group, the variation trend was consistent with that of the treatment group. The difference of T-AOC, CAT activity, GSH-px activity and MDA content was not significant between the treatment groups. The SOD activity of OS treatment group was significantly lower than that of OSF treatment group (P0.05). The overall test results showed that the mixture of eighteen carbon unsaturated fatty acids had great influence on the blood fatty acid composition of lactating dairy cows and resulted in the decrease of blood antioxidant capacity. Fatty acid composition changed but did not affect the stability of milk fat.


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