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发布时间:2018-07-27 16:33
【摘要】:本研究以大针茅+羊草(Ass. Stipa grandis+Leymus chinensis)草地类型为研究对象,在2014年7月末至8月初,对割草场和放牧场两种草地利用方式下的植物群落组成、数量特征,多样性以及土壤养分进行了研究,目的是比较两种草地利用方式的差异,为草地资源的合理利用提供基础数据。主要研究结果如下。1放牧对植物群落地上现存量(P0.05)和高度(P0.01)产生了显著的影响,而对植物群落密度和盖度没有显著性影响(P0.05);在不同利用方式下,植物群落组成在数量上没多大差异,割草场为22科、45属、60种,放牧场为20科、46属、62种,但在放牧场一些物种被一年生中生杂类草或旱生杂类草所代替。2放牧有利于糙隐子草、苔草和星毛委陵菜的生长,其重要值显著高于割草场(P0.05),但放牧不利于麻花头、双齿葱和猪毛蒿的生长,其重要值显著低于割草场(P0.05);糙隐子草的地上现存量与密度、羊草的高度、麻花头的高度与地上现存量在不同利用方式下存在显著性差异(P0.05)3两种草地利用方式对于Shannon-Wiener指数、Simposon指数和Alatalo均匀度指数无明显的影响(P0.05),但对于Margalef和Patrick丰富度指数有显著影响(P0.05),放牧场的Pielou均匀度指数显著高于割草场(P0.05)。4放牧和刈割都会对草地土壤养分特性产生不同程度的影响。在0—5cm土层里割草场的有机质含量显著高于放牧场(P0.05);土壤全氮和全碳在030cm各土层中含量在两种利用方式草地中无明显的差距,而速效氮在0—5cm土层,放牧场的含量显著高于割草场(P0.05),高出10.27 mg/kg;在0—5cm与5—10cm土层中,放牧场的速效钾含量显著高于割草场(P0.05),但速效磷含量在两种利用方式下无显著性差异(P0.05)。在20—30cm土层中的pH值,放牧场的显著高于割草场的pH值(P0.05)。5除了多年生禾草以外,多年生杂类草、一、二年生草本与小半灌木的地上现存量在两种草地利用下均差异显著(P0.05);群落地上现存量和密度都与土壤全氮、速效磷、含水量呈现显著正相关;群落盖度与全氮、全碳和速效磷之间有显著正相关关系。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Assenia chinensis (Thunb.) From the end of July to the beginning of August 2014, the composition, quantitative characteristics, diversity and soil nutrients of plant communities in grass mowing field and grazing pasture were studied. The purpose of this study was to compare the differences between the two types of grassland utilization and to provide basic data for the rational utilization of grassland resources. The main results are as follows: 1 grazing had a significant effect on the aboveground standing stock (P0.05) and height (P0.01) of the plant community, but had no significant effect on the plant community density and coverage (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the composition of plant communities. There were 60 species in mowing field (22 families, 45 genera) and 62 species in grazing field (20 families, 46 genera, 62 species). However, some species were replaced by annual mesophytes or xerophytic hybrids. The important value of the growth of Carex and Potentilla chinensis was significantly higher than that of the mowing field (P0.05), but the grazing was not conducive to the growth of Sesame head, Allium bicolor and Artemisia pigeonii, and its important value was significantly lower than that of the mowing field (P0.05), and the standing stock and density of the grass on the ground were significantly lower than those in the grass field (P0.05). The height of Leymus chinensis, There was significant difference between the height of Ramie flower head and the aboveground standing stock under different utilization patterns (P0.05). There were no significant effects on Shannon-Wiener index and Alatalo evenness index between three grassland use patterns (P0.05), but there were significant differences in Margalef and Patrick richness index. The Pielou evenness index of pasture was significantly higher than that of mowing field (P0.05). Both grazing and mowing had different effects on soil nutrient characteristics. The content of organic matter in grass mowing field in 0-5cm soil layer was significantly higher than that in pasture (P0.05), and there was no significant difference between soil total nitrogen and total carbon content in 030cm soil layer in two kinds of utilization mode grassland, but the available nitrogen content in 0-5cm soil layer. In the soil layer of 0-5cm and 5-10cm, the content of available potassium in pasture was significantly higher than that in mowing field (P0.05), but there was no significant difference in the content of available phosphorus between the two ways of utilization (P0.05). The pH value in 20-30cm soil layer was significantly higher in pastures than that in mowing fields (P0.05). 5 except perennial grasses, there were significant differences in the aboveground standing stock of first, biennial herbaceous and small semi-shrubs between the two grasslands (P0.05). The aboveground standing stock and density were positively correlated with soil total nitrogen, available phosphorus and water content, and community coverage was positively correlated with total nitrogen, total carbon and available phosphorus.


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