[Abstract]:In order to compare the difference of external quality and embryo development of different breeds of chicken eggs during hatching, white feather chicken, red standard chicken and wenshen hens were studied under the same hatching conditions. The external quality of eggs at different hatching stages (9 ~ 12 ~ 15 ~ 18 ~ 20 embryo age) was analyzed. The results showed that the egg weight of white eggs at the beginning of incubation (0 d) was significantly higher than that of red standard chickens and Wimbledon hens, but the egg shape index was significantly lower than that of red standard hens (P0.05), extremely significantly lower than that of Wimblead hens (P0.01), and the egg shape index of red-labeled hens was significantly lower than that of Wimbledon hens (P0.05). In the development process, there were significant differences among varieties, the embryo weight of Wimbledon pheasant was significantly higher than that of red standard chicken and white feather chicken at 9 ~ 12 days of incubation (P0.05), and the growth rate of white feather chicken accelerated during 1520 days incubation, which was significantly higher than that of Hongbiao chicken and Wenshi hens (P0.05). And different sex chicken embryo in the same hatching period of development differences, male than female and male development a little faster, but the difference is not significant (P0.05). At the first 15 days of incubation, the weightlessness rate of Wimbledon pheasant was significantly higher than that of white feather chicken and red standard chicken, but after 18 days incubation, the weight loss rate of red standard chicken was significantly higher than that of white feather chicken (P0.05). In addition, the thickness of eggshell decreased gradually during hatching, and the thickness of eggshell in different hatching period was different, and the thickness of eggshell of white feather and Wimbledon pheasant had little change at 9 ~ 12 and 1520 days after incubation in the same breed. The difference was not significant (P0.05), but the egg shell thickness of 1520 days was significantly lower than that of 912 days (P0.05). The results showed that the early stage of embryo development was faster and the red standard chicken had the tendency of catching up in the later stage of embryo development, and there were significant differences in the external quality of the eggs of the three breeds in the late hatching stage.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学动物科技学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31402074) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20130668)
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