发布时间:2018-08-27 11:45
【摘要】:在抗生素导致的药物残留、耐药性等问题日益严重的现状上,中草药具有来源天然性、功能多样性、毒副作用小、药物残留少的特点已呈现出它的优势,作为抗生素替代品研究和开发将是今后饲料添加剂发展的方向,具有广阔的应用前景。中草药添加剂对獭兔哺乳性能的影响本试验研究日粮添加不同水平的中草药添加剂对獭兔哺乳性能的影响。试验选取126只母兔,分为基础日粮组、2%中草药添加量组和4%中草药添加量组,每组42个重复。检测其产仔性能及分娩第0 d、14 d和28d的泌乳量,并计算饲料成本。结果表明,随着中草药添加量的增加,断奶仔兔成活率逐渐提高,但差异不显著(P0.05)。试验中2%中草药添加剂成本约0.243元/只/日。综合各指标得出2%添加量中草药配方能显著提高母兔泌乳力及仔兔断奶成活率。中草药添加剂对哺乳獭兔繁殖成活率的影响本试验旨在研究獭兔日粮中添加不同配方的中草药添加剂对不同繁殖模式下的哺乳獭兔受胎率、泌乳情况和产仔性能及饲养成本的影响。选取兔场健康、体况接近的妊娠獭兔,按照42d、49d和56d三种繁殖模式进行饲养管理,每种繁殖模式下分为基础日粮组、中草药配方Ⅰ、配方Ⅱ、配方Ⅲ组,每组10个重复,中草药添加剂量为日粮总量的2%。根据其所处繁殖模式不同,在产后间隔不同时间及时配种,摸胎检测其受胎情况,统计受胎率,记录窝产仔数和分娩第0d、7d、14d、21d和28d的泌乳量,并计算饲料成本。结果表明,在42d繁殖模式下,各中草药配方组与基础日粮组受胎率差异不显著(P0.05);在49d繁殖模式下,以补肾为特征的配方Ⅲ组的受胎率显著高于其他3组(P0.05);在56天繁殖模式下,中草药配方Ⅲ组的受胎率显著高于基础日粮对照组和以活血为特征的配方Ⅱ组(P0.05),以补血为特征的中草药配方Ⅰ组的受胎率相比基础日粮对照组有提高但差异不显著(P0.05)。试验中各繁殖模式下,各处理獭兔产仔数和泌乳量差异均不显著(P0.05)。试验中以补肾为特征设计的中草药添加剂配方Ⅲ对促进獭兔产后恢复效果最好,配种受胎率最高,成本约0.235元/只/日。
[Abstract]:In the current situation of drug residues and drug resistance caused by antibiotics, Chinese herbal medicines have the characteristics of natural origin, diversity of function, less toxic side effects, less drug residues and so on. As a substitute for antibiotics, the research and development of feed additives in the future will be the direction of development, and have a broad application prospects. Effects of Chinese Herbal Additives on Lactation performance of Rex Rabbits the effect of different levels of Chinese Herbal Additives on Lactation performance of Rex Rabbits was studied. 126 female rabbits were divided into 2% and 4% Chinese herbal medicine supplementation groups with 42 repeats in each group. The litter performance and lactation amount at the 14th and 28th days after delivery were measured, and the feed cost was calculated. The results showed that the survival rate of weaned rabbits increased gradually with the increase of Chinese herbal medicine addition, but the difference was not significant (P0.05). The cost of 2% Chinese herbal medicine additive was about 0.243 yuan per day. The formula of 2% Chinese herbal medicine can significantly improve the lactation ability of female rabbits and the survival rate of weaning. Effects of Chinese Herbal Additives on the Survival rate of Breast-feeding Rex Rabbits the aim of this study was to study the conception rate of Chinese herbal medicine additives in the diet of rex rabbits under different breeding modes. Effects of lactation and litter performance and feeding cost. Pregnant rex rabbits with healthy and similar body condition were selected for feeding and management according to 42d 49-d and 56d reproduction models. Under each breeding model, they were divided into three groups: basal diet group, Chinese herbal formula 鈪,
[Abstract]:In the current situation of drug residues and drug resistance caused by antibiotics, Chinese herbal medicines have the characteristics of natural origin, diversity of function, less toxic side effects, less drug residues and so on. As a substitute for antibiotics, the research and development of feed additives in the future will be the direction of development, and have a broad application prospects. Effects of Chinese Herbal Additives on Lactation performance of Rex Rabbits the effect of different levels of Chinese Herbal Additives on Lactation performance of Rex Rabbits was studied. 126 female rabbits were divided into 2% and 4% Chinese herbal medicine supplementation groups with 42 repeats in each group. The litter performance and lactation amount at the 14th and 28th days after delivery were measured, and the feed cost was calculated. The results showed that the survival rate of weaned rabbits increased gradually with the increase of Chinese herbal medicine addition, but the difference was not significant (P0.05). The cost of 2% Chinese herbal medicine additive was about 0.243 yuan per day. The formula of 2% Chinese herbal medicine can significantly improve the lactation ability of female rabbits and the survival rate of weaning. Effects of Chinese Herbal Additives on the Survival rate of Breast-feeding Rex Rabbits the aim of this study was to study the conception rate of Chinese herbal medicine additives in the diet of rex rabbits under different breeding modes. Effects of lactation and litter performance and feeding cost. Pregnant rex rabbits with healthy and similar body condition were selected for feeding and management according to 42d 49-d and 56d reproduction models. Under each breeding model, they were divided into three groups: basal diet group, Chinese herbal formula 鈪,