发布时间:2018-09-05 16:53
【摘要】:本研究对一株猪源嗜酸乳杆菌的体外生物学特性进行了分析,并优化筛选出其最佳冻干保护剂配方。使用冻干制剂对灭菌豆粕、普通豆粕和哺乳母猪配合饲料三种基质进行固态发酵,优化得到了三种基质的最佳发酵工艺参数,检测和分析了发酵前后营养成分变化。并开展了母猪饲喂试验。1.嗜酸乳杆菌最适接种量为4%;培养60h时产乳酸量最高,为66.85 mmol/L;在MRS液体培养基pH=2.0时,培养4h存活率达70.14%;在0.2%、0.3%猪胆盐条件下保温2h时活菌数分别为6.11和4.53 log(CFU/m L);对有害的大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径均在19 mm以上;菌悬液浓度为109CFU/m L时,该菌对猪肠上皮细胞的黏附指数最高为1060CFU/100cell。2.该菌株的冻干保护剂最佳配方为:脱脂乳16.216%、乳糖4.375%、L-谷氨酸钠0.123%、L-半胱氨酸0.143%、糊精9.469%,冻干保护率可达93.91%。3.灭菌豆粕最佳发酵工艺参数为:发酵温度37℃,料水比1:1.2,接种量0.8%,时间36h,嗜酸乳杆菌活菌数为9.10 lg(CFU/g);普通豆粕最佳发酵工艺参数为:发酵温度37℃,料水比1:1.2,接种量1.0%,时间48h,活菌数为9.02 lg(CFU/g);哺乳母猪配合饲料最佳发酵工艺参数为:发酵温度37℃,料水比1:0.8,接种量0.4%,时间36h,活菌数为9.48 lg(CFU/g)。发酵后,灭菌豆粕、普通豆粕和配合饲料中的活菌数均由发酵前的106 CFU/g达到109CFU/g,挥发性盐基氮含量均小于50 mg/100g,其中粗蛋白含量分别提高2.16%、1.80%和13.10%,酸溶蛋白含量分别提高10.36%、11.73%和20.62%,钙含量分别提高3.13%、3.13%和3.23%,总磷含量分别提高2.78%、2.82%和4.92%。4.母猪试验表明,与对照组比较,母猪日粮中添加固态发酵饲料,使仔猪出生成活率、断奶成活率和仔猪平均日增重分别提高了2.60%、9.20%和9.10%,仔猪腹泻率降低53.24%,哺乳母猪平均日采食量提高了13.79%;哺乳母猪血清中Ig G含量提高7.58%;初乳中蛋白质、总固形物、Ig A和Ig M的含量分别提高18.08%、1.30%、4.06%和5.61%;鲜粪中乳酸菌数量由7.59 lg(CFU/g)提高到9.04 lg(CFU/g)。
[Abstract]:The biological characteristics of a porcine Lactobacillus acidophilus strain in vitro were analyzed and the optimum lyophilization protectant formula was optimized. The solid state fermentation of sterilized soybean meal, common soybean meal and lactation sows was carried out by using freeze-dried preparation. The optimum fermentation parameters of the three substrates were optimized, and the changes of nutritional components before and after fermentation were detected and analyzed. The experiment of sows feeding was also carried out. The optimum inoculation amount of Lactobacillus acidophilus was 4, the lactic acid production was 66.85 mmol/L; at 60 h and the survival rate reached 70.14 when cultured on MRS liquid medium pH=2.0, and the number of live bacteria was 6.11 log (CFU/m L);) and 4.53 log (CFU/m L); was harmful to harmful Escherichia coli) when incubated with 0.3% bile salt for 2 hours. The bacteriostasis diameter of both Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus was more than 19 mm, and the highest adhesion index of Salmonella to porcine intestinal epithelial cells was 1060 CFU / 100 cell 路2 when the concentration of suspension was 109CFU/m L. The optimum formula of freeze-dried protectant for the strain was as follows: degreasing milk 16.216a, lactose 4.375 and L- glutamate 0.123and L- cysteine 0.143. dextrin 9.469. the lyophilization protection rate was 93.91. The optimum fermentation parameters of sterilized soybean meal were as follows: fermentation temperature 37 鈩,
[Abstract]:The biological characteristics of a porcine Lactobacillus acidophilus strain in vitro were analyzed and the optimum lyophilization protectant formula was optimized. The solid state fermentation of sterilized soybean meal, common soybean meal and lactation sows was carried out by using freeze-dried preparation. The optimum fermentation parameters of the three substrates were optimized, and the changes of nutritional components before and after fermentation were detected and analyzed. The experiment of sows feeding was also carried out. The optimum inoculation amount of Lactobacillus acidophilus was 4, the lactic acid production was 66.85 mmol/L; at 60 h and the survival rate reached 70.14 when cultured on MRS liquid medium pH=2.0, and the number of live bacteria was 6.11 log (CFU/m L);) and 4.53 log (CFU/m L); was harmful to harmful Escherichia coli) when incubated with 0.3% bile salt for 2 hours. The bacteriostasis diameter of both Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus was more than 19 mm, and the highest adhesion index of Salmonella to porcine intestinal epithelial cells was 1060 CFU / 100 cell 路2 when the concentration of suspension was 109CFU/m L. The optimum formula of freeze-dried protectant for the strain was as follows: degreasing milk 16.216a, lactose 4.375 and L- glutamate 0.123and L- cysteine 0.143. dextrin 9.469. the lyophilization protection rate was 93.91. The optimum fermentation parameters of sterilized soybean meal were as follows: fermentation temperature 37 鈩,