[Abstract]:Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) is an important pathogen of bovine pneumonia, mastitis, arthritis and other diseases. The pathogen was first isolated from the milk of cows suffering from mastitis in 1961 in the United States. It was first isolated from the lungs of calves suffering from pneumonia in China in 2008 and has been in the country since then. In order to develop an effective vaccine to prevent and control Mycoplasma bovis disease, on the basis of comprehensive preliminary analysis, the key technologies of vaccine development, such as determination of Mycoplasma bovis growth titer, concentration of antigen suspension, preparation of inactivated vaccine and evaluation of calf immune effect, were studied. The main research contents and results are as follows: 1. TTC application in Mycoplasma bovis viable count study and Mycoplasma bovis enlarged culture effect determination to explore the Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) application in M. bovis colony count feasibility and experimental conditions, through plate counting method for TTC concentration screening; The colony forming unit (cfu) was counted, and the concentration of the colony forming unit (ccu) was measured. The OD value and the change of the culture P H were measured at 630 nm. Results: The colony grew normally and showed obvious colour effect when the concentration of TTC in the medium was 0.3-0.6 g/L. The best mass concentration of TTC was 0.4 g/L; the concentration of CFU was 1.8~2.42 *108 CFU/m L, and the growth titer of Mycoplasma bovis was 5.0 *108 CCU/m L at 96 h by CCU method. The results of the two methods were basically the same; but the best mass concentration of TTC was 0.4 g/L. The OD values of the cultures ranged from 0.024 to 0.213. The OD values were not consistent with the above two methods at the corresponding time points. The determination of OD values could only be used as a supplementary method for the detection of culture effect, but the changes of culture P H showed a certain correlation with the determination of OD values. CFU method and CCU method can be used to determine the effect of Mycoplasma bovis in the enlarged culture. 2 The growth curve of Mycoplasma bovis and the growth effect of different media were compared. Colour change unit (ccu) was used to detect Mycoplasma bovis in Xinjiang isolates of Mycoplasma bovis. The growth titers of Mycoplasma bovis strains in different culture stages were measured and their growth curves were plotted. Meanwhile, the effect of Mycoplasma bovis strains in liquid enlarged culture medium for Mycoplasma bovis, improved Thiaucourt's culture medium, bovine heart soup culture medium and glucose serum broth culture medium were studied by counting live bacteria. The results showed that the strains of Mycoplasma bovis grew well in the special liquid expanded medium for Mycoplasma bovis. Compared with the other three media, this medium had certain economic advantages and could be used as the optimal medium for obtaining Mycoplasma bovis antigen in the preparation of vaccine. 3 The development of inactivated Mycoplasma bovis vaccine was made by dialysis. Methods: The concentration of M. bovis culture was studied by high-speed centrifugation and ultrafiltration. The protein content of M. bovis culture concentrate was determined by different treatment methods, and the concentration of concentrated solution after ultrafiltration was determined by CFU and CCU methods. The results showed that the protein concentration of the concentrate was the highest by ultrafiltration and concentration, and the results of CFU and CCU were basically the same. The prepared vaccine had good physical properties, and could be stored at 4 ~C for 180 days, 37~C for 3 days. No abnormal reaction was observed after inoculation, and the injection site was normal. The results showed that the ultrafiltration method was suitable for the concentration of M. bovis culture and could be used for antigen enrichment during vaccine production; the vaccine was safe and reliable, which provided a certain method and technical support for the large-scale production of M. bovis inactivated vaccine. 4 Minimum immune dose and antibody elimination of mice immunized with bovine mycoplasma inactivated vaccine A preliminary study on the length rule of mice immunized with inactivated Mycoplasma bovis vaccine was carried out. The mice were immunized with the vaccine at different doses of 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 m L per mouse through the leg muscle route. The results showed that the minimum immune dose was 0.2 m L/mouse, and 0.2 m L/mouse was immunized with the vaccine at different doses. After 3 weeks, the antibody titer reached its peak, then began to decline, but remained relatively stable. After 5 weeks, the antibody titer showed a downward trend. 5 Immunoprotective evaluation of calves immunized with inactivated Mycoplasma bovis vaccine was randomly selected from 10 to 15 days of age. 10 calves in immunization group were immunized for the first time from 10 to 15 days of age. The levels of antibodies were measured 14 days after the second immunization and randomly selected 3 calves of the same age immunized and 21 days after the second immunization. Each calf was inoculated (dripped) 2 ml through nasal mucosa and 3 ml Mycoplasma bovis by tracheal injection. The body temperature of calves was recorded, clinical symptoms were observed and serum antibody levels were detected. The clinical anatomy and histopathological changes of lungs were observed 28 days after treatment. The pathological index of lungs of calves was recorded and Mycoplasma bovis was isolated and cultured by collecting pathological lung tissues. Mycoplasma antibody was 0.404 (OD450); all the three calves maintained good mental state and had no significant changes in body temperature. The comprehensive score of clinical symptoms was 3, the index of lung lesion was 2, the pulmonary anatomy and histopathology were normal, and the antibody of Mycoplasma bovis was not isolated and recovered from the lungs. The clinical symptoms were 11, pulmonary lesion index was 17, pulmonary apical lobe, heart lobe and part of diaphragm lobe showed obvious liver degeneration, pleura and lung adhesion in two calves, and yellow and white in the whole apical lobe of one calf. Histopathological observation showed that there were a large number of neutrophils infiltrated in alveolar cavity and bronchus, the wall of bronchial tube was congested, edema, and some necrotic lesions of lung were homogeneous red stained, which was a typical change of suppurative and necrotizing pneumonia. The pathological changes in the lung tissues of the three unimmunized calves were all the same. Separation and recovery to M.bovis.
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