[Abstract]:With the development of large-scale and intensive broiler breeding, the production performance of broilers has been significantly improved. At the same time, the incidence of broiler leg disease in China is increasing significantly, seriously affecting the economic benefits and animal welfare of broiler breeding. Femoral head necrosis (FHN), rickets and so on. In many leg diseases, femoral head necrosis often leads to lameness of chickens and can not normally drink and eat, the impact is particularly significant. In this study, we attempted to explore the possible mechanism of osteoporosis from the point of view of cell apoptosis. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is synthesized and stored in osteoblasts, which plays an effective role in stimulating the early proliferation of osteoblasts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurrence of broiler leg disease in large-scale broiler farms in China, and to investigate the role of bFGF in the development of broiler FHN and its effect on broiler softness. The effect of osteocyte apoptosis was discussed. 1. Investigation of broiler leg disease in large-scale farms carried out epidemiological investigation of broiler leg disease in 9 broiler farms of a group company in Anhui Province. Gait score was made according to the existing gait score method of broiler chickens. Then, 10 broiler chickens were randomly selected for culling, and each chicken was culled. Ten normal broilers were selected as control, and the culled broilers were examined by pathological dissection and bone tissue sampling, and the pathogenic materials were examined by microbiology and pathological histology. Finally, the types of leg diseases in each broiler were diagnosed according to various diagnostic results, and all leg diseases were classified, statistically analyzed. The incidence of leg disease was 2.07%. The mild symptoms of broilers accounted for 50.92% of the total chickens. The obvious lameness of broilers accounted for 20.66% of the total chickens. The loss of walking ability accounted for 28.42%. The highest proportion of chickens was 34.44%, while FHN accounted for 13.33% of the total chickens. In addition, 6.67% and 8.89% of the total chickens suffered from traumatic fracture and some unknown leg disease respectively. 2. The mechanism of bFGF in the necrosis of femoral head in naturally occurring broilers. 100 healthy 1-day-old Ross 308 white-feathered broilers were selected as experimental animals. After feeding, all chickens were weighed and killed at 42 days of age. The integrity of femoral head and morphological changes of femoral growth plate were observed by dissection and FHN score was performed. The liver index, the number of chondrocyte apoptosis, the expression of bFGF and apoptosis-related genes, bone length, bone index, bone strength, bone density and bone ash were measured. The results showed that the incidence of FHN was 20.9%. There was no significant difference in body weight, liver index, bone length, bone weight, bone strength and bone mineral density among broilers. The expression of bFGF protein in the growth plate of the femoral head of FHN broilers was significantly lower than that of the broilers without leg disease. The expression of Bax and caspases-3 RNA was significantly increased, while the expression of bFGF and Bcl-2 RNA was significantly decreased. BFGF plays an important role in inducing chondrocyte apoptosis by regulating the expression of apoptosis-related genes, which in turn affects the occurrence of FHN in broilers.
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