[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to determine the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood biochemical indexes and immune protein of weaned piglets by adding different levels of plasma protein powder to the diet of piglets, and to explore the scientific and rational use of plasma protein powder in the diet of piglets before and after weaning. Similar to the good health condition of "Duo x Chang * Lu Chuan", there are 12 litters of three yuan weaned piglets, with an average of 10 heads and 120 heads per litter. According to the principle of randomness, the * is divided into 4 groups, each group has 3 replicates and 10 pigs per replicate. Four kinds of feedstuffs are designed and produced. The nutritive level of four feed is the same. The animal protein sources of four feed are 3.5%SDPP, 5%SDPP, 6.5%SDP respectively. P and 5% fish meal correspond to test group 1, test group 2, test group 3 and control group respectively. Piglets aged 12-25 days were fed with breast milk as the main diet in the first two weeks of the experiment. Piglets aged 26-39 days in the second two weeks of the experiment. Piglets were fed with four different feeds at the early weaning stage. The indexes measured in the experiment were: (1) average daily intake, average daily gain, feed-meat ratio, diarrhea rate and other performance indicators; (2) crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, energy and other digestibility indicators; (3) urea nitrogen (BUN), total cholesterol (TC), fasting blood glucose (GLU), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), globulin (GLB), albumin ratio (A/G) and other serum biochemical indicators. Indicators (4) IgA, IgM, IgG, C3, C4, ALP, ALT, GOT, ALT / GOT and other serum immune and enzyme activity indicators. The results showed that: (1) The average daily feed intake of 3.5% SDPP group, 5% SDPP group, 6.5% SDPP group were 1.39%, 50.03%, 28.86% higher than the control group, and the average daily gain were 120.84g, 198.55g and 168.72g higher than the control group, respectively. (2) Compared with the control group, the crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus and fat of 3.5% SDPP group were increased by 3.72%, 5.00%, 32.99%, 27.20%, 2.56% and 2.56%, respectively. Compared with the control group, the crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, fat and energy in the 5% SDPP group were increased by 11.49%, 25.74%, 71.79%, 31.77%, 14.06%, 17.81% and 4.46%, respectively. (3) The levels of serum globulin, total protein, albumin and fasting blood glucose in the three experimental groups were higher than those in the control group, but the difference was not significant (P 0.05). The ratio of white blood cells in the three experimental groups was significantly lower than that in the control group (P 0.01). Compared with the control group, the 5% SDPP group was 36.97% lower than the control group (P 0.05), while the 6.5% SDPP group was 22.25% lower than the control group (P 0.05). Compared with the control group, IgG was not significantly different (P 0.05), but the content of immunoglobulin was positively correlated with the amount of plasma protein powder. ALT activity increased 124.58%, 128.66% and 69.44% respectively (P 0.05). Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity increased 59.86%, 76.96% and 46.42% respectively (P 0.01). ALT / GOT test group was higher than the control group. Conclusion: Plasma protein powder can effectively increase daily intake and gain of piglets, reduce feed-to-weight ratio, reduce diarrhea and improve the production performance of piglets. It can effectively improve the digestibility of nutrients for the growth and development of piglets, and can enhance nitrogen deposition and reduce protein. Plasma protein meal can increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase and transaminase, promote the growth and development of skeleton and increase the weight gain by combined deamination, improve the immune function, reduce the stress reaction, benefit the growth of piglets and increase the economic benefit.
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