[Abstract]:Maize (ZeamaysL2) introduced from south to north can increase biological yield and affect the quality of silage. In order to study the effect of north introduction of southern germplasm on silage quality, especially the relationship between ear rate and silage raw material and silage nutrition value, silage fermentation quality. In this experiment, 13 varieties (lines) introduced from Yunnan and 2 native varieties of Jiangsu Province were used in the Liu-he Animal Science Base of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences in May-October of 2013 and 2014, respectively. A 2-year repeated trial was carried out by means of field experiment and laboratory test. The experiment was designed with complete random block field trial, and each variety was repeated 4 times. The main results are as follows: 1. All the tested varieties (lines) grew well in Nanjing, with biological yield of 23.06-40.39thm-2, ear yield of 12.18-24.12 thm~ (-2), ear rate of 0.42-0.59, plant height of 228.11-263.56 cm, stem diameter of 20.40-25.15 mm and ear height of 64.00-89.28 cm. The results of correlation analysis showed that the most important characters affecting biological yield were ear rate, ear height, stem diameter and plant height. The annual variation of biological yield (CV=7.32) was higher than that of maize ear rate (CV=4.61). The ear rate of maize can be used as a parameter to evaluate the quality of silage maize varieties (lines) in Nanjing area. 2. The nutritive value of silage material and silage in waxy maturity stage and mature stage were analyzed and evaluated, and the correlation between corn ear rate and silage material and silage value was analyzed. The effect of corn ear rate on the nutritional value of silage and silage was clarified, that is, with the increase of corn ear rate, the nutritional value of silage was increased, and the nutritive value of silage was positively correlated with that of silage. Both waxy stage and mature stage were suitable for silage of whole plant. The nutritive value of mature stage was better than that of waxy stage due to the increase of ear rate, and its biological yield was significantly higher than that of waxy stage. Therefore, under the local climate and cultivation conditions, it is more suitable to make silage at maturity stage of the tested varieties (lines). The fermentation quality of silage in waxy and mature stages of maize varieties (lines) was analyzed. The results showed that the WSC content of whole plant increased with the increase of ear rate of maize. The fermentation quality of silage increased with the increase of ear rate and WSC content. At maturity stage, the yield of ear was higher than that of wax stage, so the fermentation quality of silage was better. In conclusion, under the ecological and production conditions in Nanjing, the ear rate of maize is an important factor affecting biological yield, and the annual stability is good. The nutritional value of silage and fermentation quality of silage have important influence. Under the climate and cultivation conditions in Nanjing, maize, especially silage maize varieties (lines) should pay more attention to the ear rate of maize in breeding, cultivation and silage preparation, and improve the silage quality from the source of raw material.
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