[Abstract]:In order to analyze the reproductive performance of HN, a new line of high fecundity pig, to reveal its genetic law and to explore its annual productivity, this study made use of the litter reproductive achievements of HN 0N4 generation, a new line of high fecundity pig, after producing sows. Multi-trait animal model BLUP was used to estimate breeding value of HN breeding traits, and phenotypic parameters, genetic parameters, phenotypic trends and genetic trends of each generation were analyzed. At the same time, the reproductive performance of 60 2 脳 4 large white sows was used as control. The total litter size of 45 new strain HN sows with the same birth order, (TNB), litter size, survival number of (NBA), 35 day weaning (S35), and birth weight of (BW), were also studied. The birth weight of (LBW), was 21 days old (W21), 21 days old nest weight (LW21), 35 day weaning weight (W35), 35 days weaning nest weight (LW35) and effective nipple number (ETN) were measured. The results are as follows: (1) the coefficient of variation of HN reproductive traits of a new strain of high fecundity pig is small, ranging from 1.75g to 6.42%; The heritability of TNB,NBA,S35,ETN,BW,LBW,W21,LW21,W35 and LW35 were 0. 160 0. 091 and 0. 1 12 0. 072 respectively. The heritability of TNB,NBA,S35,ETN,BW,LBW,W21,LW21,W35 and LW35 were 0. 116, 0. 1, 0. 19, 0. 202 and 0. 114, respectively. There was a weak negative correlation between TNB,NBA,S35 and BW,W21,W35 phenotypic correlation (-0.220- 0.121C -0.061U -0.249U -0.125U -0.125U -0.179U -0.057N -0.217). The phenotypic and genetic correlations among other reproductive traits were positive, and the phenotypic and genetic correlations between LW35 and other reproductive traits were moderate or strong. The genetic progress of TNB,NBA,S35,ETN,BW,LBW,W21,LW21,W35 and LW35 in each generation were 0.000440, 0.001019, 0.000112, 0.003106, 0.004361kg / kg 0.000115kg / kg, 0.002620kg / kg, 0.010261kg / kg, respectively. 0.001875kg and 0.011226kg. (2) TNB (14.81), NBA (14.14 head), S35 (13.28), LBW (16.88kg) of HN, a new line of high fecundity pig. LW35 (81.03kg) and ENT (7.98 pairs) were significantly higher than those in large white pigs (P0.01). BW (1.19kg), W21 (4.00kg) and W35 (6.10kg) were significantly lower than large white pigs (P0.01), LW21 (53.36kg) was significantly higher than large white pigs (0.01P0.05), the breeding rate of piglets was 93.92, which was higher than that of large white pigs (11.78%). The number of weaning piglets per new strain, HN pig and large white pig sows, was 27.90 and 17.31 respectively, and the net profit was 6524.95 yuan and 3940.43 yuan respectively according to the current market price. The results showed that the coefficient of variation of phenotypic parameters of HN was small, and the heritability of reproductive traits was in accordance with the general rule, which indicated that the new line had a stable genetic basis and had reached the goal of breeding. In the process of breeding, LW35 can be used as one of the main early selection traits to select individuals with high fecundity, and the annual productivity and economic benefits of the new strain HN are better than those of large white pigs.
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