[Abstract]:Two candidate genes of CSN3 (魏 -casein), ACACA (acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase 伪) associated with lactation traits were selected from Chinese Holstein cattle. The mutation sites were detected by direct sequencing of PCR binding products. The genotypes were determined by this method. According to the frequency of SNP occurrence, genetic parameters were calculated by POPGENE software, linkage disequilibrium analysis and haplotype analysis of SNP loci of two genes were performed by HAPLOVIEW software. The relationship between the polymorphism of two genes and lactation traits was analyzed by SPSS software. The aim of this study was to screen out the molecular marker sites that have important influence on the lactation traits of Chinese Holstein cattle by using candidate genes, and to identify the major genes that affect the lactation traits. It provides a theoretical basis for marker-assisted breeding and genetic improvement of lactation traits in Chinese Holstein cattle. The results show that: 1. In this study, four SNPs loci were detected on the CSN3 gene of Chinese Holstein cattle, namely, g.463GAAg-1012ACG. 2015TA and g.2396GT.The other three SNPs loci were closely related to the milk composition of Chinese Holstein cattle except for g.2396GT. Specifically, the mutation at g.463GA could significantly affect the milk fat rate (P0.01), different genotypes also had a significant effect on the milk protein rate (P0.05), and the mutation at the g.1012AC site could significantly affect the milk fat rate (P0.01). The mutation at g.2015TA had a significant effect on the milk fat rate and milk protein rate (P0.01). The results of diploidy analysis of 4 SNPs loci of CSN3 gene showed that H14H14 (ACAG-ACAG) was significantly higher in milk fat rate than that in other diploids (P0.05). Because the 魏-casein encoded by CSN3 gene is the main component of lactoprotein, the differential expression of CSN3 gene in different genotypes of SNP locus will ultimately affect lactation traits. 2. In this study, two SNPs (g.43569TCng. 43617TG) were detected on the ACACA gene of Chinese Holstein cattle. Both SNPs loci had some influence on lactation traits of Chinese Holstein cattle. Among them, the mutation at g.43569TC can significantly affect the milk protein rate and lactose rate (P0.01), significantly affect the milk fat rate (P0.05); g.43617TG mutation significantly affected the milk protein rate and lactose rate (P0.05). The results of association analysis showed that H1H1 (CG-CG) was significantly higher in milk fat rate than that in other diploids (P0.01), and lactose rate was significantly higher than that of other diploids (P0.05). Because ACACA gene plays an important role in the synthesis of fatty acids in breast tissues, the differential expression of ACACA genes in different genotypes of SNP loci will ultimately affect lactation traits. Therefore, we can try to use CSN3,ACACA gene as the main gene affecting lactation traits for marker-assisted selection, and provide scientific basis for the breeding of Chinese Holstein cattle.
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