[Abstract]:The meat quality, amino acid and fatty acid content of longissimus dorsi muscle fed banana stalk and corn straw silage were compared and analyzed. Sixteen 7-month-old Duhu crossbred sheep were randomly divided into two groups: the control group was fed with corn straw silage, the experimental group was fed with banana stalk and leaf silage, the other feeding modes and feeding groups were the same, and the prefeeding period was 7 days. The trial period was 100 days. The results showed that the content of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash in the mutton of the test group was higher than that of the control group (P0.05), and the content of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash in the two groups was higher than that in the control group (P0.05). The total amino acids, essential amino acids, fresh amino acids, essential amino acids and fresh amino acids in the test group were higher than those in the control group, but the difference was not significant (P0.05). The fatty acid content of mutton in the test group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P0.05), but the content of saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid was lower than that of the control group, but the difference was not significant (P0.05). The results showed that there was no obvious effect on meat quality, amino acid, fatty acid and so on by feeding banana stalk and leaf silage, which could replace corn stalk silage.
【作者单位】: 广西壮族自治区农业科学院农产品加工研究所;广西果蔬贮藏与加工新技术重点实验室;
【基金】:广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科合1347004-18) 广西农业科学院科技发展基金项目(桂农科2015JZ138);广西农业科学院科技成果转化项目(2017NZ13) 南宁市西乡塘区科学研究与技术开发计划项目(2015309) 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才专项(组厅字[2015]48号)
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