[Abstract]:The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of different metabolic energy and crude protein levels on the performance, egg quality and serum biochemical indexes of new poplar green shell laying hens at the late stage of laying (44 weeks 56 weeks). The optimum ration of metabolizable energy and crude protein in the later stage of egg laying was obtained. 768 new poplar green shell layers with similar body weight at the end of 43 weeks were randomly divided into 6 groups with 4 repeats in each group and 32 in each group. Six diets were designed with 2 脳 3 factors (metabolic energy levels of 10.87 and 11.08 MJ/kg, crude protein levels of 15.00%, 15.50% and 16.00%). The pre-test period was 1 week and the positive trial period was 12 weeks. The results were as follows: 1) different metabolic energy and crude protein level had significant effects on laying rate and feed / egg ratio of green shell laying hens at the late stage of laying (P0.05). Dietary metabolic energy and crude protein level showed significant interaction on laying rate (P0.01), among which, high energy and low egg group (metabolic energy 11.08 MJ/kg, crude protein 15.00%) had the highest laying rate. The feed / egg ratio was the lowest. 2) the higher crude protein level (16.00%) could significantly increase the Haugh unit (P0.05) of the eggs in the late laying stage of green shell laying hens. The higher metabolic energy level (11.08 MJ/kg) could significantly improve the egg yolk color of green shell laying hens at the late laying stage (P0.05). There was no significant interaction between dietary metabolic energy and crude protein level in egg quality (P0.05). 3) the serum urea nitrogen content was the lowest in high energy and low egg group. Dietary high metabolic energy level (11.08 MJ/kg) could significantly reduce the serum total cholesterol content of green shell laying hens (P0.05). On the whole, when the metabolic energy and crude protein level were 11.08 MJ/kg and 15.00%, respectively, the performance of green shell laying hens and the improvement of egg quality at the later stage of laying were more favorable to the growth of green shell laying hens.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学饲料科学研究所农业部动物营养与饲料科学重点实验室;上海家禽育种有限公司;
【基金】:国家蛋鸡产业技术体系建设专项基金资助(CARS-41-K17) 国家科技支撑计划专项基金资助(2014BAD13B04)
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