[Abstract]:In this experiment, 196 individuals collected from three breeds of Yanqi horse, Yili horse and Mongolian horse were used to study the polymorphism of MSTN and GH genes at DNA level by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing techniques. The association between genetic polymorphism and horse body size traits was analyzed. The results were as follows: the polymorphism of MSTN gene was detected in Yanqi horse and Yili horse, which resulted in three genotypes of AA,AG and GG, while no polymorphism was detected in Mongolian horse. By DNA sequencing, it was found that a base mutation occurred in the first intron region: g.2115A (GQ183900.1). The results of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test showed that the MSTN gene in Yanqi horse and Yili horse was in the non-equilibrium state of Hardy-Weinberg. The polymorphism of GH gene was detected in all three cultivars, and three genotypes of CC,CD and DD were produced. By DNA sequencing, a mutation, g.1464T / C (NC_009154.2), was detected in exon 5 region. By Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test, it was found that the GH gene of Yanqi horse and Yili horse was in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state, and the Mongolian horse was in the non-equilibrium state of Hardy-Weinberg. The correlation analysis between the different genotypes of the MSTN gene and body size traits showed that there was no significant difference between the two genotypes. In Yanqi Horse and Yili Horse population, different genotypes had significant effects on body size traits. In Yanqi horse population, the GG type and AGtype of chest circumference were significantly longer than AA type, the GG type of body length in Yili horse population was significantly longer than AA type, the GG type of chest circumference was significantly longer than that of AA type, the GG type of chest circumference was significantly longer than that of AA type, and the AGtype of tube circumference was significantly longer than that of AA type. A general linear model GLM was used to analyze the variance of body size of horses in three breeds. It was found that there were significant differences in body size between different breeds and different genotypes. The correlation analysis between different genotypes of GH gene and body size traits in Mongolian horses showed that different GH genotypes had a significant effect on body size traits, body height in Mongolian horse population, and body height in Mongolian horse population. The body length and chest circumference CC and CD genotype were significantly higher (longer) than DD type, and the tube circumference CC type was significantly longer than DD type. MSTN and GH genes had significant effects on horse body size traits, and were valuable as molecular markers in horse breeding and improvement.
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