发布时间:2019-04-22 08:24
【摘要】:正犬气管内异物主要是由于犬争食、进食过程中受到惊吓,以及犬玩耍时异物不慎误入等原因导致异物吸入气管内不能咳出而造成的。虽然犬气管内异物病例显著少于食管内异物,但在临床上也时有发生,而对于本病的治疗多采用手术切开气管取出异物的方法。在国外先进的宠物医院也有用气管镜取出异物的报道,近来笔者在临床实践中遇到一例犬气管内异物的病例,采用胃镜迅速进入气管内快速取出异物,获得成功。术后治疗3 d患犬痊
[Abstract]:The intratracheal foreign body in dogs is mainly caused by dog competition for food, shock in the course of eating, and accidental entry of foreign body during dog play, which leads to the insufflation of foreign body in the trachea and the inability to cough out the foreign body in the trachea. Although the number of dogs with intratracheal foreign body is significantly less than that of esophageal foreign body, it also occurs in clinical practice, and the treatment of this disease is usually treated by incision of trachea to remove foreign body. In foreign advanced pet hospitals, it is reported that the foreign body can be removed by pneumatic endoscope. Recently, the author encountered a case of canine intratracheal foreign body in clinical practice. The foreign body was removed quickly into the trachea by gastroscope, and the foreign body was removed successfully. Dogs treated 3 days after operation
【作者单位】: 东北农业大学动物医学学院;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFD01008) 黑龙江省普通高校重点实验室-动物普通疾病防治重点实验室开放基金资助
[Abstract]:The intratracheal foreign body in dogs is mainly caused by dog competition for food, shock in the course of eating, and accidental entry of foreign body during dog play, which leads to the insufflation of foreign body in the trachea and the inability to cough out the foreign body in the trachea. Although the number of dogs with intratracheal foreign body is significantly less than that of esophageal foreign body, it also occurs in clinical practice, and the treatment of this disease is usually treated by incision of trachea to remove foreign body. In foreign advanced pet hospitals, it is reported that the foreign body can be removed by pneumatic endoscope. Recently, the author encountered a case of canine intratracheal foreign body in clinical practice. The foreign body was removed quickly into the trachea by gastroscope, and the foreign body was removed successfully. Dogs treated 3 days after operation
【作者单位】: 东北农业大学动物医学学院;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFD01008) 黑龙江省普通高校重点实验室-动物普通疾病防治重点实验室开放基金资助