[Abstract]:The infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) can cause an infectious disease of the respiratory tract of the chicken, which is characterized by high contact and acute infection, which is called infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT). Acute infection can cause high morbidity and mortality, and chronic infection can cause a decline in conjunctivitis, egg-laying and egg quality. Since the first report of this disease in 1925, it has been popular around the world. In recent years, it has also become a popular trend in China. The loss to the chicken industry cannot be ignored. In order to study the changes of the pathogenicity of ILTV LJS09 chicken embryo source in LMH, this study uses ILTV LJS09 strain of chicken embryo source and LMH cell to adapt to the fourth generation of toxicity of SPF chicken respectively, and the clinical symptoms, clinical scores and clinical index (1.4 and 0.7) of the two infected groups are evaluated. The incidence rate (80% and 60%) and the death rate (10% and 0), the change of the profile and the pathological changes of the chicken embryo source virus infection group, the change of the serum antibody level, the eosinophilic organ of the ILTV in the chicken and the load of the virus in the various organs, The pathogenic effects of chicken embryo source and LMH cells were evaluated, and the pathogenic force was compared. The results showed that there were similar clinical symptoms and cross-section changes in the two infected groups, the changes of serum antibody level were the same, and the level of ILTV was the same, but the clinical score of the chicken embryo source virus infection group was the same. The clinical index, morbidity and mortality, serum antibody level were higher than that of LMH cells, indicating that ILTV LJS09 chicken embryo-source toxicity was stronger than that of LMH cells. These evaluation indexes and results provide a reference for understanding the pathogenicity of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus in China. The laboratory was isolated from Heilongjiang and Hebei in 2014 to obtain two ILTV, named LHLJ1403 and LHB1409, respectively. It was isolated by SPF chicken embryo and identified as ILTV by PCR and sequencing. The two isolates were adapted to LMH cells and purified by plaque purification. The purified virus was determined by electron microscope and indirect immunofluorescence. In order to further understand the epidemiological characteristics and molecular biological characteristics of the ILTV strain in China, the whole genome sequence of the two isolates was determined by PCR. By fragmenting the whole genome to form 106 short segments, the primers are respectively cloned and sequenced by using 106 pairs of primers, and since the internal repeat region and the terminal repeat region have the characteristics of inverted repeat,17 pairs of primers are used, The position and sequence of the method can be accurately determined by the combination of the anchor PCR and the nested PCR. And the sequence of all the cloned fragments of the two isolated strains is spliced together to obtain the genome full-length sequence of the two isolates. The total length of the LHLJ1403 strain is 153222bp, and has 79 ORFs; the total length of the LHJ1403 strain is 153213bp, and the total length of the LHJ1403 strain is 15322bp, and the total length of the LHJ1403 strain is 15322bp, and the total length of the LH@@ The sequence is analyzed using biological software such as DNA Star, MEGA, DNMAN, and ORFs and is compared with the published reference sequence (for the specific reference sequence: SA2, A20, LT Blen,1874 C5, USDA,81658,63140, Laryngo, Serva, LJS09). The similarity of the LHLJ1403 and the LH1409 strains was 99.02%, the similarity of the LHLJ1403 and the LT Blen strains was 99.49%, and the similarity of the LHJ1403 and the LH1409 strains was up to 99.19%. Compared with SA2 and A20, the deletion of 14bp,3297-3485, 189bp,3672-3690 and the deletion of 19bp,4662-4693 in the UL region of LHLJ1403 and LHB1409 deleted the sequence of 32bp. The regions of the LHLJ1403 and LHB1409 strains (both the IRS) and the terminal repeat region (TRS) were found to have a large segment deletion of the 857 bp segment compared to the repeat region of the reference sequence, while the IRS and TRS of the LHLJ1403 and the LHB1409 strains all had a deletion of 217 bp in comparison to the Sera strain. In addition, the DNA replication origin, Ori S, of the repeat region of the LHLJ1403 and the LHB1409 strain, contains only the binding site of the binding protein (OBP), while the AT-rich region and the surrounding sequence are absent. The glycoprotein g B, g C, g D and g H/ g L of the LHLJ1403 and LHB1409 strains were mutated in part of the amino acid site as compared to the UASD strains. The whole genome sequence of the isolated strain is compared with the reference strain and the genetic evolution analysis is carried out, the result shows that the relationship between the LHLJ1403 and the American vaccine strain LT Blen and Laryngo is relatively close, and is located in the same branch; and the LHB1409 is close to the American vaccine strain Serva and the American strong strain 63140, And they are located in the same branch. The whole genome sequence of two ILTV isolates in China was determined and compared with the published other virulent strains, weak strains or vaccine strains, and the results provided a basis for the study of the molecular genetic characteristics and molecular biology of ILTV. In order to understand the prevalence of ILT in China, the prevention and control of the disease and the development of new vaccine have provided information.
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