[Abstract]:In order to investigate the role of CB1 receptor signaling pathway in the regulation of appetite by stress, the following studies were carried out. In this study, the temporal and spatial distribution of CB1 receptor was studied by measuring the expression of CB1 receptor in poultry tissues of different ages. Eight broilers of 7, 21 and 35 days old and 8 7-day-old male chicks of 7, 21 and 35 days old were selected to collect hypothalamus, liver, duodenum, Jejunum and ileum. The results showed that the expression of CB1 receptor in Hypothalamus was much higher than that in other peripheral tissues in 7, 35-day-old broilers and 7-day-old egg chicks, and the expression of CB1 receptor in hypothalamus increased significantly with the increase of age. At 7-day-old broilers and egg-male chicks, there was no difference in the expression of CB1 receptors between broilers and egg chicks. In this study, the changes of CB1 receptor and related gene expression during stress were studied by heat stress and glucocorticoid DEX treatment. Heat stress test: 144 28-day-old male AA broilers with similar body weight were divided into four groups (10 h heat stress group, 10 h control group, 72 h heat stress group, 72 h control group), 6 repeats in each group, 6 chickens in each group. Dex test: 144 28-day-old male AA broilers with similar body weight were divided into four groups (24 h DEX group, 24 h control group, 72 h DEX group, 72 h control group), 6 chickens in each group. The results showed that stress (heat stress and DEX treatment) could significantly decrease feed intake and body weight gain, and increase anal temperature. During heat stress, the expression of GR mRNA was significantly increased, the expression of AMPK?1mRNA was significantly decreased, and the phosphorylation level of AMPK was decreased. The expression of GR,AMPK??,LKB1,CB1 receptor mRNA and AMPK phosphorylation were significantly increased and AMPK phosphorylation was increased in the hypothalamus of broilers treated with DEX. It is suggested that glucocorticoids can activate CB1 receptor and AMPK signaling pathway, thus regulating appetite, energy metabolism and balance. In this study, the effect of CB1 receptor on AMPK signaling pathway was studied by intracerebroventricular injection of CB1 receptor activating agent ACEA and antagonist SR141716,. In both experiments, 40 7-day-old broilers weighing about 165 g were selected for intraventricular catheterization and restored to 10 days of age for intraventricular injection. SR141716 was divided into DMSO group, 0.1, 1, 2ugSR141716 groups. Intraventricular injection of ACEA was divided into DMSO group, 0.5 g group and 2ug ACEA group, and the feed intake was counted every half hour. According to the results, 1ug SR141716 and 2ug ACEA were selected as the best injection dose, 1 h and 3 h as the best sampling time, respectively, and the repeated tests were carried out. The results showed that intraventricular injection of SR141716 decreased feed intake, increased the expression of CB1 receptor and AMPK?2,CART mRNA and decreased the expression of AgRP,POMC mRNA in hypothalamus. It is suggested that inhibition of CB1 receptor can inhibit appetite of poultry by decreasing the expression of appetite promoting gene AgRP and increasing the expression of appetite gene CART. Intraventricular injection of ACEA increased feed intake, decreased the expression of CB1 receptor, POMC mRNA and increased the expression of mRNA in AgRP. It is suggested that the activation of CB1 receptor can promote the appetite of poultry by increasing the expression of appetite promoting gene AgRP. This study showed that CB1 receptor was highly expressed in the Hypothalamus and widely distributed in the liver, intestine and other peripheral tissues. Glucocorticoids can regulate poultry appetite by activating CB1 receptor signaling pathway and AMPK signaling pathway. CB1 receptor can regulate poultry appetite by regulating AMPK and its downstream appetite regulators.
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