发布时间:2021-03-08 05:21
苏丹的养蜂活动在社会、经济和环境方面发挥着重要作用。(Blue Nile,White Nile,South Kordofan,West Kordofan,South Darfur,West Darfur,El-Gadarif and Sennar)它们以产蜜量高而闻名,而且由于养蜂活动在森林中广泛开展,它们的森林覆盖率很高。森林生态经济评价的应用为森林经理、养蜂人和决策者提供了当前的信息以及有助于对养蜂活动及其伴生树种进行有效管理的数据。本研究从养蜂的角度确定了养蜂活动中的大多数森林树种,估计和评价了这些物种的经济价值。另外,净现值(NPV)应用于薪柴和蜂蜜的生产尼罗金合欢人工林此外,研究还强调了养蜂活动在森林管理应用中的整合。本研究采用立意取样法,确定本研究地区的目标人群。在一年的生产季节(2016-2017年),我们对选定的八个苏丹州(n=105)的养蜂人进行了一次访谈,使用结构化问卷收集所需数据。。此外,还进行了田间试验和实际试验,估算了木柴产量和蜂蜜产量在El Ain森林保护区,位于Shiekan地区,Kordofan省,百分比被用来确定最重要的森林树种的养蜂活动,并估计蜂蜜产...
【文章来源】:东北林业大学黑龙江省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:164 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Sudanese Forest Resources
1.2.1 Overview
1.2.2 Beekeeping activity and forests
1.3 Problem Statement and Justification
1.4 Research Significance and Objectives
1.4.1 Research Significance
1.4.2 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Honey
2.2 Historical context of honey production in Sudan
2.2.1 Traditional beekeeping
2.2.2 Modem beekeeping
2.2.3 Mixed beekeeping
2.3 Honey production in Sudan
2.4 Sources of honey production
2.4.1 Monofloral honey
2.4.2 Multifloral honey
2.5 Ecosystem Services and Goods
2.5.1 Ecosystem definition and Concept
2.5.2 Ecosystem Services and Goods
2.5.3 Valuation of ecosystem
2.6 Methods of ecosystem valuation and quantification
2.6.1 Direct market value methods
2.6.2 Stated-preference methods
2.7 Forest ecosystem
2.7.1 Forest ecosystem definition
2.7.2 Forest ecosystem services and goods
2.8 The importance of the forest ecosystem services and goods
2.9 Forest ecosystem management
2.10 The economic importance of the forest ecosystem services and goods
2.10.1 Evolution of economic outlook of ecosystem
2.10.2 Forest ecosystem economic value
2.11 Beekeeping and its relationship to the ecosystem
2.11.1 Beekeeping as a part of forest ecosystem
2.11.2 Beekeeping products and services economic value
2.12 Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Material and Methods
3.1 Study area
3.1.1 Survey area and sampling techniques
3.1.2 Location of field measurements and practical experiment
3.2 Data collection and Statistical analysis
3.2.1 Data collection of the field survey
3.2.2 Construction of the questionnaire
3.2.3 Selection of respondents
3.3 Data collection of the field measurements and practical experiment
3.3.1 Stocking and growth data collection
3.3.2 Stand volume estimation
3.3.3 Fuelwood production,marketing,and policy data
3.3.4 Estimation of honey yield
3.4 Economic assessment methods
3.4.1 Estimation of financial return on investment (ROI) of honey yield production kg/tree species/hectare
3.4.2 Estimation of financial viability of fuelwood and honey production
3.5 Statistical analysis
3.6 Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Honey production sources
4.3 Bee hives number and its productivity
4.3.1 Number of beehives per unit area
4.3.2 Bee hives productivity
4.4 The prices of honey
4.5 Financial analysis of the honey production
4.5.1 Economic evaluation of the honey yield from forest tree species
4.5.2 Financial profitability of the honey yield and fuelwood of acacia nilotica
4.6 Organization of the honey supply chain in Sudan
4.6.1 Honey collectors
4.6.2 Village and mobile traders
4.6.3 Transporters
4.6.4 Wholesalers
4.6.5 Exporters and processing company
4.7 The social characteristics of beekeepers
4.7.1 Age group of the beekeeper
4.7.2 Education level of the beekeepers
4.7.3 Experience level and training of beekeepers
4.8 Obstacles and constraints of the beekeeping especially in the forests
4.8.1 Production inputs costs
4.8.2 Bee's habitats and foraging area
4.8.3 Lack of formal and community attention
4.9 Statistical analyses
4.9.1 Social characteristics of the beekeepers
4.9.2 Relation type of beehive number and honey productivity
4.9.3 Various forms of regression equations examined in the study
4.10 Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Discussion
5.1 Factors affecting the production of honey
5.1.1 Forest tree species as honey production source
5.1.2 Effect of beehives capacity per unit area
5.1.3 Effect of the bee hives productivity
5.2 The role of differences in honey prices per tree species
5.3 The role of the beekeeper's social characteristics in beekeeping activity as general
5.4 Associated obstacles and constraints of the forest beekeeping
5.5 Financial viability of the honey and fuelwood production in the study area
5.6 Supply chain and marketing organization of the honey in Sudan
5.7 Impact of demographic characteristics of beekeepers on honey production process
5.8 Honey production factors and their relations
5.9 Chapter summary
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.1.1 Forest Tree Species and Beekeeping in Sudan
6.1.2 Economical value of forest tree species form apicultural point of view
6.2 Novelty and limitations of the Study
6.2.1 Novelty of the study:
6.2.2 Limitations of the Study
6.3 Recommendations and Future Outlooks
Published and written papers during PhD study period
Academic activities & Training during study period
【文章来源】:东北林业大学黑龙江省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:164 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Sudanese Forest Resources
1.2.1 Overview
1.2.2 Beekeeping activity and forests
1.3 Problem Statement and Justification
1.4 Research Significance and Objectives
1.4.1 Research Significance
1.4.2 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Honey
2.2 Historical context of honey production in Sudan
2.2.1 Traditional beekeeping
2.2.2 Modem beekeeping
2.2.3 Mixed beekeeping
2.3 Honey production in Sudan
2.4 Sources of honey production
2.4.1 Monofloral honey
2.4.2 Multifloral honey
2.5 Ecosystem Services and Goods
2.5.1 Ecosystem definition and Concept
2.5.2 Ecosystem Services and Goods
2.5.3 Valuation of ecosystem
2.6 Methods of ecosystem valuation and quantification
2.6.1 Direct market value methods
2.6.2 Stated-preference methods
2.7 Forest ecosystem
2.7.1 Forest ecosystem definition
2.7.2 Forest ecosystem services and goods
2.8 The importance of the forest ecosystem services and goods
2.9 Forest ecosystem management
2.10 The economic importance of the forest ecosystem services and goods
2.10.1 Evolution of economic outlook of ecosystem
2.10.2 Forest ecosystem economic value
2.11 Beekeeping and its relationship to the ecosystem
2.11.1 Beekeeping as a part of forest ecosystem
2.11.2 Beekeeping products and services economic value
2.12 Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Material and Methods
3.1 Study area
3.1.1 Survey area and sampling techniques
3.1.2 Location of field measurements and practical experiment
3.2 Data collection and Statistical analysis
3.2.1 Data collection of the field survey
3.2.2 Construction of the questionnaire
3.2.3 Selection of respondents
3.3 Data collection of the field measurements and practical experiment
3.3.1 Stocking and growth data collection
3.3.2 Stand volume estimation
3.3.3 Fuelwood production,marketing,and policy data
3.3.4 Estimation of honey yield
3.4 Economic assessment methods
3.4.1 Estimation of financial return on investment (ROI) of honey yield production kg/tree species/hectare
3.4.2 Estimation of financial viability of fuelwood and honey production
3.5 Statistical analysis
3.6 Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Honey production sources
4.3 Bee hives number and its productivity
4.3.1 Number of beehives per unit area
4.3.2 Bee hives productivity
4.4 The prices of honey
4.5 Financial analysis of the honey production
4.5.1 Economic evaluation of the honey yield from forest tree species
4.5.2 Financial profitability of the honey yield and fuelwood of acacia nilotica
4.6 Organization of the honey supply chain in Sudan
4.6.1 Honey collectors
4.6.2 Village and mobile traders
4.6.3 Transporters
4.6.4 Wholesalers
4.6.5 Exporters and processing company
4.7 The social characteristics of beekeepers
4.7.1 Age group of the beekeeper
4.7.2 Education level of the beekeepers
4.7.3 Experience level and training of beekeepers
4.8 Obstacles and constraints of the beekeeping especially in the forests
4.8.1 Production inputs costs
4.8.2 Bee's habitats and foraging area
4.8.3 Lack of formal and community attention
4.9 Statistical analyses
4.9.1 Social characteristics of the beekeepers
4.9.2 Relation type of beehive number and honey productivity
4.9.3 Various forms of regression equations examined in the study
4.10 Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Discussion
5.1 Factors affecting the production of honey
5.1.1 Forest tree species as honey production source
5.1.2 Effect of beehives capacity per unit area
5.1.3 Effect of the bee hives productivity
5.2 The role of differences in honey prices per tree species
5.3 The role of the beekeeper's social characteristics in beekeeping activity as general
5.4 Associated obstacles and constraints of the forest beekeeping
5.5 Financial viability of the honey and fuelwood production in the study area
5.6 Supply chain and marketing organization of the honey in Sudan
5.7 Impact of demographic characteristics of beekeepers on honey production process
5.8 Honey production factors and their relations
5.9 Chapter summary
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.1.1 Forest Tree Species and Beekeeping in Sudan
6.1.2 Economical value of forest tree species form apicultural point of view
6.2 Novelty and limitations of the Study
6.2.1 Novelty of the study:
6.2.2 Limitations of the Study
6.3 Recommendations and Future Outlooks
Published and written papers during PhD study period
Academic activities & Training during study period