发布时间:2021-11-19 10:59
蒙古羊是我国古老的绵羊品种,以其抗逆性强、肉品质好而著称,其基因组中蕴藏着大量宝贵的遗传资源。本研究利用Illumina Hiseq2000测序平台和鸟枪法策略对蒙古羊进行了全基因组测序,为蒙古羊抗寒、抗病性强等优良性状相关基因的筛选提供了基础。测序结果显示蒙古羊基因组大小为2.91Gb,基因组组装的contigN50的长度为20.1K, scaffold N50的长度为2731.3K,平均GC含量为42%,平均覆盖深度达到40÷以上。重复序列的大小为1.01Gb,占基因组的34.71%,其中转座因子占90%以上。利用基因结构预测和功能预测,蒙古羊基因组中约有21,704个基因,其中能确定功能的数有20,600个,占基因总数的96.70%,非编码RNA的大小占基因组的0.015%。蒙古羊基因组共鉴定了17,015个基因家族,其中特有家族为30个,没有聚类的基因有1,063个在上述研究的基础上,采用aCGH芯片技术,以绵羊基因组序列为信息设计探针,构建了蒙古羊、哈萨克羊、藏羊、湖羊和杜泊羊的拷贝数变异多样性(CNVs)图谱。结果显示,共检测出51个CNVRs,包括24个扩张型,22个缺失...
【文章页数】:125 页
Fig 1.1 Procedure of GS FLX system11111 mina 公司的 Genome Analyzer 于 2006 年问世,它是基于 Solexa技术的测序技术。Genome Analyzer技术同样是边合成边测序。将单链DNA “一端通过接头与芯片连接,另外一端和引物互补,形成桥状结构。每个单链DNA被扩增,成为单克隆的DNA族,然后线性化。在DNA合成时,焚光信号结果被收集,就可以得知每个模板DNA片段的序列丨33】。GenomeAnalyzer系统样品需要量低,操作简单,自动化程度高,运行成本较低,是性价比较高的新一代测序技术。Genome Analyzer系统流程见图1.2。
图1.3 SOLiD系统数据分析过程Figl.3 Procedure of SOLiD system近期出现的Helicos公司的Heliscope单分子测序仪、PacificBiosciences 公司的 SMRT 技术和 Oxford Nanopore Technologies 公司正在研
[1]非模式生物转录组研究[J]. 刘红亮,郑丽明,刘青青,权富生,张涌. 遗传. 2013(08)
[2]高通量测序技术及其在农业科学研究中的应用[J]. 闫绍鹏,杨瑞华,冷淑娇,王秋玉,周容涛. 中国农学通报. 2012(30)
[3]De novo characterization of the root transcriptome of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant Polygonum cuspidatum[J]. HAO DaCheng 1,MA Pei 2,MU Jun 1,CHEN ShiLin 2,XIAO PeiGen 2,PENG Yong 2,HUO Li 3,XU LiJia 2 & SUN Chao 2 1 Biotechnology Institute,School of Environment,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China;2 Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substances and Resources Utilization of Chinese Herbal Medicine of Ministry of Education,Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100193,China;3 School of Software,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China. Science China(Life Sciences). 2012(05)
[4]Construction of random sheared fosmid library from Chinese cabbage and its use for Brassica rapa genome sequencing project[J]. Tae-Ho Park,Beom-Seok Park,Jin-A Kim,Joon Ki Hong,Mina Jin,Young-Joo Seol,Jeong-Hwan Mun. 遗传学报. 2011(01)
[5]Construction of a BAC library from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and identification of linkage group specific clones[J]. Yuan Guan a,1,Qi Chen b,1,Junsong Pan a,Zheng Li a,Huanle He a,Aizhong Wu a,Rentao Song b,Run Cai a,a School of Agriculture and Biology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China b School of Life Sciences,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China. Progress in Natural Science. 2008(02)
【文章页数】:125 页
Fig 1.1 Procedure of GS FLX system11111 mina 公司的 Genome Analyzer 于 2006 年问世,它是基于 Solexa技术的测序技术。Genome Analyzer技术同样是边合成边测序。将单链DNA “一端通过接头与芯片连接,另外一端和引物互补,形成桥状结构。每个单链DNA被扩增,成为单克隆的DNA族,然后线性化。在DNA合成时,焚光信号结果被收集,就可以得知每个模板DNA片段的序列丨33】。GenomeAnalyzer系统样品需要量低,操作简单,自动化程度高,运行成本较低,是性价比较高的新一代测序技术。Genome Analyzer系统流程见图1.2。
图1.3 SOLiD系统数据分析过程Figl.3 Procedure of SOLiD system近期出现的Helicos公司的Heliscope单分子测序仪、PacificBiosciences 公司的 SMRT 技术和 Oxford Nanopore Technologies 公司正在研
[1]非模式生物转录组研究[J]. 刘红亮,郑丽明,刘青青,权富生,张涌. 遗传. 2013(08)
[2]高通量测序技术及其在农业科学研究中的应用[J]. 闫绍鹏,杨瑞华,冷淑娇,王秋玉,周容涛. 中国农学通报. 2012(30)
[3]De novo characterization of the root transcriptome of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant Polygonum cuspidatum[J]. HAO DaCheng 1,MA Pei 2,MU Jun 1,CHEN ShiLin 2,XIAO PeiGen 2,PENG Yong 2,HUO Li 3,XU LiJia 2 & SUN Chao 2 1 Biotechnology Institute,School of Environment,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China;2 Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substances and Resources Utilization of Chinese Herbal Medicine of Ministry of Education,Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100193,China;3 School of Software,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China. Science China(Life Sciences). 2012(05)
[4]Construction of random sheared fosmid library from Chinese cabbage and its use for Brassica rapa genome sequencing project[J]. Tae-Ho Park,Beom-Seok Park,Jin-A Kim,Joon Ki Hong,Mina Jin,Young-Joo Seol,Jeong-Hwan Mun. 遗传学报. 2011(01)
[5]Construction of a BAC library from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and identification of linkage group specific clones[J]. Yuan Guan a,1,Qi Chen b,1,Junsong Pan a,Zheng Li a,Huanle He a,Aizhong Wu a,Rentao Song b,Run Cai a,a School of Agriculture and Biology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China b School of Life Sciences,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China. Progress in Natural Science. 2008(02)