[Abstract]:Objective: to establish a database of children with epilepsy, improve the management system of children with epilepsy, and improve the compliance of children with epilepsy by summarizing the investigation and follow-up of the children with epilepsy in pediatric neurology outpatient clinic in one year, in order to establish the database of children with epilepsy, and to improve the compliance of the patients with epilepsy. To provide the basic guarantee for the clinical study of epilepsy. Methods: age, sex, body weight, date of first onset, date of diagnosis, form of seizure, frequency, inducing factors, physical examination, and physical examination were performed on the newly diagnosed and previously diagnosed children with epilepsy by self-made registration form of epileptic children. Laboratory examination, drug use, therapeutic response and so on were registered and followed up. The classification of epileptic seizures is based on the criteria established by ILAE in 1981, and the classification of epilepsy syndrome is based on the new recommendations made by ILAE in 2001. Results: 1. A database of epileptic patients from 2011 to 2012 was established. There were 1082 cases of epilepsy (632 cases of new diagnosis and 450 cases of follow-up). There were 618 cases of boys and 464 cases of girls. The ratio of male and female was 1.33: 1.2. According to the classification of ILAE seizures in 1981, there were 898 children with epilepsy, including 768 partial seizures, 118 systemic seizures and 12 unknown classification. According to the classification report of ILAE epilepsy syndrome in 2001, there were 184 cases of epilepsy syndrome, including 76 cases of focal epilepsy syndrome and 108 cases of comprehensive epilepsy syndrome. In this study, 862 cases were treated with single drug and 186 cases were treated with two drugs. 7 cases were combined with three drugs, 2 cases were combined with four drugs, 1 case was treated by surgery, 24 cases were observed without medication, the longest follow-up time was 5 years and the shortest month was 1 month. There were 750 cases with complete control of seizure, 98 cases with marked effect, 220 cases with effective treatment, 14 cases with uncontrolled seizure, 120 cases with no seizure in 3 years and 120 cases with drug reduction (60 cases of abnormal EEG discharges disappeared completely). There were 4 cases of reattack in the drug reduction and the addition of the original dose. There were 1 case of relapse after one year's withdrawal, 10 cases of poor compliance and irregular medication, 7 cases of refractory epilepsy, 10 cases of abscission, and 1054 cases of children treated with antiepileptic drugs. There were 72 cases of adverse reactions, including 105 cases of epileptic children, 1012 cases of 24 hour ambulatory electroencephalogram (AEEG) and 70 cases of general EEG, of which 962 cases were abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) discharge. No abnormal discharge of EEG in 120 cases. After treatment, 764 patients were reexamined and 592 patients had abnormal EEG, but the discharge was lighter than before. There were 4 cases with repeated seizures in the course of the disease, and EEG showed ESES phenomenon. Conclusion: 1. The database of children with epilepsy from 2011 to 2012 was established to provide the basic guarantee for the clinical study of epilepsy. During the period of 2011 and 2012, 1082 cases of children with epilepsy were followed up (new diagnosis 632 cases); 450 cases were diagnosed. The ratio of men to women is 1.33: 1. There were 898 cases classified by epileptic seizures and 184 cases classified by epilepsy syndrome. The positive rate of electroencephalogram (EEG) was 88.9.3. The etiological investigation showed that the etiological diagnosis of symptomatic epilepsy accounted for 27.2%, the imaging abnormality accounted for 22.6%, the family history of convulsion was 4.8%, and the longest follow-up time was 5 years in 1082 epileptic patients. The shortest month was 1 month, complete control of attack accounted for 69.3%, curative effect accounted for 9.1%, effective accounted for 20.3%, invalid accounted for 1.3%. Of the 1054 children treated with antiepileptic drugs, 72 (6.8%) had adverse drug reactions.
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