[Abstract]:Aim based on manifold learning, a key frame gating method based on intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image sequences is proposed to suppress motion artifacts in the longitudinal direction of IVUS sequences. Methods the Laplacian feature mapping algorithm of manifold learning method was used to reduce the high dimensional IVUS image sequence to the low dimensional manifold. A distance function was constructed to reflect the law of cardiac motion by using the low dimensional feature vector. IVUS images were divided into two types: end-diastolic and non-cardiac end-diastolic, then the key frames were extracted and the gating sequence was formed. Results the blood vessel volume, lumen volume and mean plaque load were calculated in 13 groups of IVUS sequences (915 卤142frames, 15.24 卤2.37mm),) before and after gating. The statistical results showed that the vessel volume and lumen volume of the gated sequence were significantly lower than those of the original sequence. The average plaque load of the gated sequence was not significantly different before and after gating, which met the requirements of clinical diagnosis. The variance of vascular area and lumen area was significantly smaller than that of the original sequence, indicating that the gated sequence was more stable than the original sequence. On the longitudinal image of the IVUS image sequence, the gate sequence reduces the motion artifact of the serrated shape, which is consistent with the original sequence shape and has good continuity. The method of this paper is compared with the existing method of extracting gate-controlled sequence. Conclusion the algorithm presented in this paper is simple and stable, and the longitudinal motion artifact of IVUS image sequence is suppressed.
【作者单位】: 南方医科大学生物医学工程学院;南方医科大学南方医院心内科;
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