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发布时间:2018-10-14 12:37
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the causes of missed diagnosis of 69 cases of cervical cancer and summarize the experience in order to reduce the incidence of missed diagnosis of clinical cervical cancer. Methods: the clinicopathological data of 69 patients with cervical cancer admitted from January 2014 to June 2016 in the second Hospital of Jilin University were retrospectively analyzed. The 69 cases of cervical cancer included: 7 cases of cervical cancer were found after total hysterectomy due to other gynecological diseases, 1 case of cervical cancer diagnosed as uterine cavity pus for the first time; HSIL or pathological slide of cervical biopsy in our hospital were diagnosed as HSIL, by colposcopy. Finally, 61 cases of cervical cancer were confirmed by postoperative pathology. Results: 1.The clinical manifestations of 69 cases of cervical cancer were 31. 9% of contact bleeding, 13. 0% of abnormal vaginal bleeding, 8. 7% of abnormal leucorrhea, 5. 8% of vaginal effusion, and 1. 4% of abdominal pain. But there were 36.2% no clinical symptoms. 2.69 signs of cervical cancer: 78.3% cervical surface erosion, 17.4% smooth cervical surface, 18.8% cervical hypertrophy, 5.8% uterine enlargement, only 2.9% cervical cancer have neoplasm. 3.45 cases of cervical cancer were examined by TCT. Results six cases (13.3%) of NILM,8, 37.8% (37.8%) of ASC-US,17, ASC-H,2 (4.4%), LSIL,11 (24.4%), HSIL,1 (2.2%) of atypical hyperplasia glandular epithelium, 83.3% (4.57) cases of cervical carcinoma were examined by HPV in 6 cases of NILM, the results were 93.0% positive, 7.0% negative, 75.0% of HPV negative, 75.0% of 5.69 cases of cervical carcinoma were examined by transvaginal ultrasound. The results showed that 13 cases showed abnormal echo in cervix, 5 cases showed abundant blood flow signal, 4 cases showed abnormal echo in uterine cavity. However, 47 cases (68.1%) were not found positive. The cervical biopsy results of 6.61 cases of cervical cancer were as follows: CINIII grade 20 cases, CINIII grade 41 cases. Among 7.61 cases of cervical carcinoma with HSIL biopsy, 39 cases were treated with cold knife conization of cervix and paraffin wax were all cervical carcinoma. Among them, 29 cases of cervical biopsy were sent to frozen pathology, the results were 8 cases of CINIII grade and 21 cases of cervical cancer. The rate of missed diagnosis of frozen cervical carcinoma was 27.6% (8 / 29). In 8.61 cases of cervical carcinoma with HSIL biopsy, 19 cases refused to undergo cervical cold knife conization. Direct hysterectomy is required. Paraffin wax pathology after hysterectomy is cervical cancer. Among them, 11 cases of hysterectomy specimens were sent to frozen pathology. The results were as follows: 7 cases of CINIII grade, 4 cases of cervical cancer. The rate of missed diagnosis of total hysterectomy frozen pathological cervical carcinoma was 63.6% (7 / 11). The cervical canal was scratched and curettage was performed during the operation. The results were invasive squamous cell carcinoma (cervical canal) and radical cervical cancer. It is worth noting that three cases of ultrasound showed that the cervix increased in varying degrees, and the echo was uneven. Conclusion: 1. Clinical manifestations and signs in patients with cervical cancer are sometimes nonspecific. 2. 2. The accuracy of cervical cytology in the direct diagnosis of cervical cancer is not high. When 3.HPV is negative, cervical cancer can also occur. 4. 4. Most of the early cervical cancer were found positive by ultrasound. 5. 5. Cervical biopsy for early invasive cervical carcinoma. 6. 6. The frozen pathology of cold knife conical resection of cervix has certain limitation in the diagnosis of cervical cancer.


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