[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the expression of oncoprotein Gankyrin and new estrogen receptor GPER in adenomyosis and to explore their roles in the pathophysiological process of adenomyosis. Methods: immunohistochemical, Western blot and Real-time PCR were used to detect Gankyrin and GPER in normal endometrium (normal endometrium) and adenomyosis eutopic endometrium (eutopic endometrium). Expression of protein and mRNA in ectopic endometrium of adenomyosis. Results: (1) Immunohistochemical results showed that Gankyrin protein was mainly expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus of endometrial glandular cells and luminal epithelial cells, and a little in the nuclei of endometrial stromal cells. GPER protein was mainly expressed in the cytoplasm of endometrial glandular cells and luminal epithelial cells, and occasionally scattered in the cytoplasm of endometrial stromal cells. The (IRS) of Gankyrin protein in ectopic endometrium group, eutopic endometrium group and normal endometrium group were 2.65 卤0.15 ~ 1.81 卤0.14 ~ 1.28 卤0.15, respectively. The IRS of). GPER protein in ectopic endometrium group, eutopic endometrium group and normal endometrium group were 3.03 卤0.15 ~ 2.36 卤0.18 ~ 1.59 卤0.16, respectively. The differences between the three groups were statistically significant (P0.05). (2) the results of) Western Blot showed that the quantitative expression of Gankyrin and GPER in each endometrium group had significant difference (P0.05). (3) Real-time PCR results showed that the expression levels of Gankyrin mRNA in ectopic endometrium, eutopic endometrium and normal endometrium were 3.56 脳 10-3 卤0.34 脳 10-32.12 脳 10-3 卤0.26 脳 10-3 + 0.93 脳 10-3 卤0.10 脳 10-3, respectively. The differences between the three groups were statistically significant (P0.05). The expression of Gankyrin mRNA in ectopic and eutopic endometrium was 3.83 and 2.28 times higher than that in normal endometrium and eutopic endometrium, respectively. The expression levels in normal endometrium were 2.13 脳 10-3 卤0.27 脳 10-3 and 1.31 脳 10-3 卤0.13 脳 10-3 + 0.78 脳 10-3 卤0.12 脳 10-3, respectively. There was significant difference among the three groups (P0.05). The expression of GPER mRNA in ectopic and eutopic endometrium was 2.73 and 1.68 times higher than that in normal endometrium respectively. (4) the IRS results of Gankyrin and GPER were analyzed by linear correlation analysis. The correlation coefficient between ectopic endometrium group and eutopic endometrium group was 0.6550.508, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). There was no significant correlation between them in normal endometrium group. Conclusion: (1) Gankyrin and GPER are highly expressed in ectopic endometrium, suggesting that they are closely related to the occurrence and development of adenomyosis. (2) the protein expression of Gankyrin and GPER were positively correlated in ectopic endometriosis group, suggesting that the expression of GPER and Gankyrin protein in ectopic endometriosis could promote the formation and development of ectopic adenomyosis.
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