发布时间:2018-12-16 08:34
【摘要】:正患者,女,27岁,2014年1月26日因胎儿臀位行剖宫产术伴大出血10 h入院。术后4 h出现低血压,心率增快。超声示:腹、盆腔积液。予血液制品、止血等救治,共失血约1 055 mL。当天转入我院。体格检查:体温38.3℃,脉搏130次/min,呼吸19次/min,用多巴胺维持血压111/82 mmH g。神清,重度贫血貌,皮肤及黏膜无出血点。心、肺未发现异常。腹膨隆,宫底触诊不清,阴
[Abstract]:The patient, 27 years old, was admitted to hospital on January 26, 2014 for caesarean section with massive bleeding in breech position. Hypotension and heart rate increased 4 hours after operation. Ultrasound: abdominal, pelvic effusion. Given blood products, hemostasis and other treatment, a total of about 1 055 mL. of blood loss Transfer to our hospital on the same day. Physical examination: body temperature 38.3 鈩,
[Abstract]:The patient, 27 years old, was admitted to hospital on January 26, 2014 for caesarean section with massive bleeding in breech position. Hypotension and heart rate increased 4 hours after operation. Ultrasound: abdominal, pelvic effusion. Given blood products, hemostasis and other treatment, a total of about 1 055 mL. of blood loss Transfer to our hospital on the same day. Physical examination: body temperature 38.3 鈩,