[Abstract]:In the observation of the progress of labor, the traditional "vaginal finger examination" is the "golden standard" for the clinical evaluation of fetal head position, fetal position and uterine dilation in obstetrics, but the traditional "vaginal finger examination" has the defects of strong subjectivity and big deviation. Moreover, multiple vaginal examinations not only increase the pain and fear of pregnant women, but also increase the rate of cesarean section with potential non-medical indications. In recent years, more and more obstetricians realize that there is a lack of objective and accurate measurement standards in the observation and study of the progress of labor, which hinders the standardized management of the progress of labor and becomes one of the difficult problems in the management of labor process. Since ultrasound was used in pelvic floor tissue examination in 2005, more and more researchers have discussed the value of ultrasound in labor observation, especially with the extensive use of portable bedside ultrasound and obstetricians in recent years. With the popularization and improvement of midwife ultrasound technology, some obstetricians at home and abroad have tried to apply ultrasound to the observation of labor process. Objective: to investigate the clinical value of transabdominal confluence yin ultrasonic examination in determining the position of fetus, the size of uterine orifice and the position of the lowest point of fetal exposure in the observation of labor process, and to study whether ultrasonic examination can replace the traditional "vaginal finger examination" to monitor the progress of labor. And then guide delivery. Methods: 100 pregnant women who underwent vaginal trial delivery from November 2015 to October 2016 in our hospital were selected. There were 93 cases of vaginal delivery (89 cases of natural delivery, 4 cases of vaginal parturition) and 7 cases of cesarean section. Two-dimensional MindrayM7 notebook ultrasound (in the mode of middle and late pregnancy) was used to detect the position of fetus by transabdominal ultrasound scanning, and the position of the lowest point of fetal exposure was estimated by midline sagittal plane ultrasound of perineum. Transperineal ultrasonography was performed by two obstetricians (both having 10 years of clinical experience and 3 years of operation experience in obstetrical ultrasound). The traditional vaginal examination is performed by midwives with more than five years of clinical experience. The relationship between the distance between the anterior and posterior lips of the cervix and the dilation of the cervix was analyzed by linear regression analysis. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the degree of progression of labor and the position of the first lowest point of fetal examination. Results: the coincidence rate of fetal azimuth and vagina finger examination was 100% and 74.76% respectively. The average value of ultrasonic examination in measuring the distance between anterior and posterior lips of cervix was (5.70 卤2.55) cm,. The average value of traditional vaginal finger examination in estimating cervical dilatation was (5.88 卤2.56) cm;. The average value of cervical dilatation error was (0.15 卤0.36) cm (95%CI) and (0.31 卤0.23) cm (95%CI) (0.27 卤0.35). Linear regression analysis showed that there was a linear relationship between the distance between the anterior and posterior lips and cervical dilatation of the vagina by ultrasonography. The linear regression equation was Y vaginal finger examination = 1.0315 脳 ultrasonic examination-0.0311 (R2P 0.9813 P 0.05). There was a significant linear relationship between the degree of labor progression angle measured by ultrasound and the lowest point of fetal exposure evaluated by digital vaginal examination. The linear regression equation was Y progress reading = 10.678X 100.78 (R2P 0.8898P 0.05). Conclusion: transabdominal consortia yin ultrasound can replace the traditional vaginal finger examination to monitor the progress of labor. The results of this study indicate that transabdominal confluence ultrasonography has great advantages over vaginal finger examination in the examination of fetal position, uterine orifice size, and position of the lowest point of foetus exposure, giving play to its noninvasive, painless, low risk, reproducible, and high reproducibility. Because of its strong objectivity and economic superiority, it has practical application value in the clinical work of gynecology and obstetrics and deserves to be popularized.
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