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发布时间:2018-06-30 03:34

  本文选题:车祸伤 + 心理应激 ; 参考:《第三军医大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目的:随着社会的进步,经济的发达,人们在各项活动中使用交通工具已越来越频繁,交通事故导致的急性创伤也逐渐成为威胁人们健康及生命安全的主要危险之一。据WHO预测,至2020年交通伤每年的死亡与致残人数将增加60%以上,在全球疾病负担排序中交通伤上升到第3位;道路交通事故已成为中国男性和城市居民的意外伤害致死的第一位原因,也成为发达国家的第一位公共卫生问题〔1、2〕。 车祸事件是一种严重的突发的应激性生活事件,可导致受伤者产生强烈的心理和躯体双重应激反应〔3〕。这种应激反应给受伤者在机体上造成不同程度生理损伤的同时,也会使机体在创伤应激源的作用下出现一系列的生理、心理和行为的变化,使机体处于程度不同的心理应激状态。车祸伤由于其突发性和伤情复杂、对比其他疾病而言易导致患者强烈的心理应激与个体心理健康水平下降,较非车祸致伤患者出现更多的情绪反应〔1〕,如焦虑、抑郁、激怒等,对预后产生明显的影响。车祸伤后患者对这种非同寻常的威胁或灾难事件所引发的精神压力不能正确释放或正确认知时就可能导致创伤后应激障碍〔4〕。有研究表明,焦虑的程度与创伤后应激障碍的发生有较高的相关性〔5〕;创伤后应激障碍中焦虑与抑郁为两种经常伴随的情绪障碍,是最常见的与免疫异常有联系的心理状态,可导致抗体生成下降、淋巴细胞增值反应受到抑制、自然杀伤细胞活性下降等〔6〕;这些改变可反过来加重原有创伤或疾病的病理改变,影响治疗效果及预后。 创伤后心理应激障碍、焦虑与抑郁情绪由于人的生理、心理、社会因素等多层次属性(如心理素质、个性特征、个人处境、应对方式等)的不同而呈现不同的状态,这些状态关系到生物体对环境的适应和机体内稳态的保持,与疾病的发生、发展、转归均有着十分密切的关系。 近年来学者对创伤后心理应激影响因素的研究已逐渐在深入。有文献表明,其交通事故后患者的创伤严重程度与早期的精神痛苦严重程度等是创伤后心理应激障碍患病的主要影响因素,在经历潜在创伤性事件后约有25%的患者发生伤后心理应激障碍,其发生率与创伤事件的性质与严重程度有关。但这些研究在患者伤情严重程度的判断上鲜见采用具体的、量化的ISS(创伤严重度评分)系统来调查SCL-90(心理症状自评量表)〔7〕、SAS(焦虑自评量表)〔7〕、SDS(抑郁自评量表)〔8〕在车祸致伤患者中的变化,从而探讨车祸伤患者的受伤部位、创伤的严重程度与患者的心理健康状况的关系以及相关的影响因素(如性别、年龄、既往身体健康状态、社会支持程度、经济来源、文化程度等)鲜见报道,且更是值得探讨的问题。 方法:入组纳入标准:1、选择2007.9-2008.4期间入住西南医院急救创伤病房因车祸致伤、意识清楚、配合检查、配合问卷调查的住院车祸致伤患者,年龄与性别不限。利用自制伤员个人信息表、ISS创伤严重度评分及SCL-90量表、SAS、SDS量表进行创伤严重程度与心理健康状况和相关影响因素调查;2、排除标准:意识不清或不配合检查及问卷调查者。3、调查方式:采用SCL-90症状自评量表、SAS、SDS量表问卷式调查,并通过体格检查、医学仪器辅助检查进行创伤严重度评分(ISS),伤者自行填写个人信息表。常模采用汪向东“心理卫生评定量表手册”、张明园“精神科评定量表手册”中常模数据。4、共完成有效问卷入组的伤员200例,其中男性患者164例,女性患者36例,年龄13-79岁;其中受伤部位以颅脑伤为主66例(33%),四肢骨折伤为主97例(48%),胸腹部伤为主26例(13%),脊柱伤及毁损伤为主11例(6%)。ISS16分有173例(86%),16≤ISS≤25分有27例(13%),ISS25分有1例(1%)。将结果利用SPSS13.0软件包进行统计分析。 结果:入组的200例车祸伤患者SCL-90总均分及各因子得分、SAS、SDS得分高于常模,有显著统计学差异(P0.01)。其中SCL-90各因子、SAS、SDS得分增高与患者的性别、既往身体健康状态、社会交往支持程度和创伤严重程度有显著的相性关(p0.05~0.01)。车祸伤患者的受伤部位、年龄、文化程度、经济来源与SCL-90各因子、焦虑和抑郁情绪的产生无明显的相关性。 结论:车祸伤患者在遭受突然的车祸打击后有较高的心理应激反应,这种心理应激反应与伤者的性别、既往身体健康状况、社会支持程度和创伤严重度有明显的相关性;提示车祸伤患者伤后心理应激反应较高,其心理健康状况不容乐观,在重视车祸伤患者的急救与治疗同时切不可忽略伤者的心理状态。 由于车祸伤来势凶猛、伤情复杂,人们更多是关注威胁生命的伤情和努力减少死亡与伤残,而对急救、治疗、手术及康复中对伤者极其重要的心理健康状况往往关注不足。 车祸是突然发生的、难以承受的或是灾难性的,对生命构成严重的威胁,这是导致伤者产生精神障碍的直接原因,对患者的身心打击非常直接而重大,往往会产生强烈的心理应激反应,影响治疗效果及预后。从WHO提倡的健康概念看,现代医学的目标就是最大可能的使人们不仅在生理躯体上健康,更重要的是要心理健康和有良好的社会适应能力。因此,重视和早期发现车祸伤患者不良或过度的的心理应激反应、分析其原因、找出其影响因素,并针对性的给予干预,使其能够有良好的身心康复状态、增强其社会适应能力是创伤急救临床中不可忽略的重要措施。
[Abstract]:Objective : With the progress of society and the development of economy , the use of vehicles in various activities has become more and more frequent , and the acute trauma caused by traffic accidents has become one of the major risks that threaten people ' s health and life safety . According to the WHO forecast , the annual death and disability of traffic accidents will increase by more than 60 % in 2020 , and traffic injuries increase to level 3 in the ranking of global disease burden . Road traffic accidents have become the first cause of accidental injury to male and urban residents in China and become the first public health problem in developed countries &bra; 1 , 2 &ket; .

There are a series of physiological , psychological and behavioral changes which can lead to a decrease in psychological stress and mental health in patients with traumatic stress .

Post - traumatic psychological stress disorder , anxiety and depression mood are different from multi - level attributes such as psychological quality , personality characteristics , personal situation , coping style , etc . , which relate to the adaptation of the organism to the environment and the maintenance of homeostasis in the organism , and have very close relationship with the occurrence , development and transformation of the disease .

In recent years , the study of the influential factors of post - traumatic psychological stress has gradually been in - depth . The literature shows that the severity of trauma and the severity of psychological stress disorder after trauma are the main influencing factors of psychological stress disorder after trauma . However , the study shows that the severity of trauma is related to the severity of traumatic event . However , these studies rarely reported the relationship between the severity of trauma and the psychological health of the patient and the related factors ( such as sex , age , previous health status , social support degree , economic source and culture degree ) .

Methods : A total of 200 patients with trauma severity and mental health status and related factors were investigated by using self - made personal information table , ISS trauma severity score and SCL - 90 scale , SAS and SDS scales .

Results : The scores of SCL - 90 and SAS and SDS scores were significantly higher in 200 cases of accident injury than those in normal mode ( P0.01 ) . Among them , the scores of SCL - 90 , SAS and SDS were significantly different from those of the patients . There was no significant correlation between the scores of injury , age , culture , economic origin and SCL - 90 , anxiety and depression .

Conclusion : The psychological stress response is significantly correlated with the sex of the injured person , the former physical health condition , the degree of social support and the severity of trauma . The mental health condition of the injured patient is not optimistic , and the psychological state of the injured person can not be neglected .

Due to the ferocity of the accident and the complexity of the injury , people are more concerned about the injury of life and the efforts to reduce the death and disability , while the psychological health status of the wounded in first aid , treatment , operation and rehabilitation is often insufficient .

The aim of modern medicine is to bring people not only to physical and physical health , but also to have good social adaptability .


相关期刊论文 前10条

1 郑日昌;灾难的心理应对与心理援助[J];北京师范大学学报(社会科学版);2003年05期

2 孙n,




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