[Abstract]:Rotavirus (RV) is the main pathogen causing acute diarrhea in infants under 5 years old. It causes 600,000 deaths every year and seriously endangers human health.
The function of RV nonstructural protein 1 (NSP1) in antagonizing the innate immune response of RV host is not fully understood. Recent studies have shown that NSP1 can block the interferon (IFN) signaling pathway by mediating the degradation of interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family proteins and inhibiting the activation of nuclear transcription factor kappa B (NF-kappa B). However, there is evidence that the homology of RV NSP1 from different sources is relatively low, and there may be differences between the different NSP1 proteins and the way of innate immunity. For example, the IRF binding domain of NSP1 protein of pig RVOSU strain can not mediate the degradation of IRF protein. This suggests that NSP1 from different sources may antagonize host by many ways. In view of this, this study intends to further explore the target of interaction between NSP1 and IFN signaling pathway, explore the mechanism of NSP1 antagonizing host innate immunity, and analyze the regulation of NSP1 expression on host cell proteins by differential proteomics technology, in order to understand the function of NSP1.
Antagonistic effect of NSP1 on host's innate immunity
Firstly, we observed that NSP1, a virus strain known to inhibit IFN response by degrading IRF, could inhibit the activity of IFN-beta promoter even after the loss of IRF binding domain, suggesting that NSP1 had other targets for antagonizing IFN. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that NSP1 could bind to RIG-I and decrease the expression of RIG-I protein. Moreover, RV NSP1 of different sources of human, monkey and pig can downregulate RIG-I. when RV infection. We found that with the increase of viral replication, RIG-I also showed changes in expression level, 4h RIG-I expression increased after infection, and RIG-I expression decreased gradually from 12h after infection, suggesting that RIG-I was indeed inhibited in the infection of RV, but the latter had a structure domain. Whether NSP1 has ubiquitin-ligase activity has been directly confirmed. We have confirmed that NSP1 is a ubiquitin-E3 ligase that enhances cell ubiquitination and self-ubiquitination, and that ubiquitin-ligase function is related to the N-terminal RING domain. However, the inhibition of NSP1 on RIG-I may not be through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Bioinformatics predicts that RI The cleavage site of Caspase 1 is present in G-I. Whether RIG-I antagonizes the cleavage of RIG-I by activating Caspasel needs further study.
As a pattern recognition receptor, RIG-I plays an extremely important role in monitoring the invasion of RV and initiating innate immune response. This study found for the first time that NSP1 can reduce the expression of RIG-I protein to antagonize host IFN response. The results reveal that RIG-I is a new target for NSP1 and further enrich the innate immune mechanism for RV escaping host. Understanding of system.
Two, the effect of NSP1 on the proteome of host cells.
To further elucidate the mechanism of NSP1, we studied the effect of overexpression of NSP1 protein on the proteome of host cells by fluorescence differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) and mass spectrometry. After overexpression of NSP1, 12 differentially expressed proteins were identified, of which 4 were up-regulated and 8 were down-regulated. Gene Ontology analysis showed that the differentially expressed proteins involved cytoskeleton, signal transduction, molecular chaperone, transcriptional regulation and other functions. Then we studied the interaction between up-regulated waveform protein (Vimentin) and NSP1. The localization of vimentin cells was rearranged after infection, suggesting that vimentin might be involved in viral replication and assembly. Laser confocal microscopy was used to observe the localization of vimentin cells after NSP1 transfection. These results suggest that the expression of NSP1 protein may be one of the causes of vimentin rearrangement after RV infection. NSP1 is involved in virus replication through cytoskeleton interaction. These results provide a new direction for further understanding the function of NSP1.
In conclusion, this study reveals for the first time that RV can antagonize RIG-I and inhibit innate immunity, and can regulate the expression and localization of vimentin in cells. These findings lay a foundation for further study of the mechanism of RV antagonizing innate immunity and RV replication.
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