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发布时间:2018-01-30 15:11

  本文关键词: 前交叉韧带 不同坡度 前移 内旋 内翻 三维步态分析 出处:《上海体育学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Opti-Knee knee joint motion gait system on knee function and stability during walking with different slopes after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Changes of biomechanical parameters and their clinical significance. Methods: 16 inpatients in sports hospital were selected in this study. Three dimensional gait analysis system of Opti-Knee knee joint was used to monitor the kinematic parameters of the knee joint of the affected side and the healthy side during walking downhill on 0 掳flat ground and 15 掳after ACL injury. The distance of bilateral knee joint relative to tibia forward displacement, internal rotation angle and varus angle were recorded to analyze and compare the differences between the affected sides in different states. The percentage of gait changes of 15 掳upper and lower slope X relative to 0 掳horizontal walk was analyzed. Results the forward displacement distance of the affected side of the patients with ACL injury in different states was analyzed. The internal rotation angle and the varus angle were significantly larger than the forward displacement distance of the healthy side when the patients with ACL injury were walking at the slope of 15 掳. The forward displacement distance of the healthy side with ACL injury was significantly higher than that of the normal side when walking on 0 掳flat ground at 15 掳downhill walking with internal rotation angle and varus angle. There was no significant difference between the rotation angle and the varus angle between the healthy side of the upper slope and the healthy side of the 15 掳slope. The forward displacement distance of the affected side in 15 掳downhill walking was not significantly different from that of the patients with ACL injury. There was no significant difference in the sensitivity of the healthy side between 15 掳and 15 掳in patients with ACL injury with internal rotation angle and varus angle higher than that of 15 掳upper slope (P 0.05). The patients with ACL injury were more sensitive to the knee joint walking at 15 掳downhill than the knee joint with 15 掳uphill. Conclusion the role of ACL in knee joint is very important. The function and stability of knee joint were seriously affected after ACL injury. The effect of different inclination on the joint function of ACL injury was also different. The stability of the knee joint was obviously worse when the knee joint moved up and down after the injury of the normal side than when walking on the ground. However, there was no significant difference between the healthy knee joint and the upper knee joint after ACL injury. The stability of the knee joint in downhill motion was obviously worse than that in walking on the flat ground. The anterior displacement distance and internal rotation angle of the knee joint were lower than that of the ACL walking on the lower slope at 15 掳. The varus angle is more sensitive than 15 掳uphill, and it can be concluded that the stability of knee joint is obviously weakened after ACL injury, especially when the knee joint is downhill. At the same time, it is easier to aggravate the further injury of ACL, which eventually leads to the degeneration or irreversible repair of the knee joint. After the injury, the function of the knee joint is evaluated quantitatively by the three-dimensional gait analysis system. It is helpful to grasp the changes of knee joint kinematics after ACL injury more accurately, and to provide a feasible basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.


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