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发布时间:2018-02-28 21:18

  本文关键词: 骨炎 慢性鼻-鼻窦炎 LMS LKS 鼻息肉 修正手术 荟萃分析 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:[目的]骨炎被认为是影响慢性鼻-鼻窦炎(chronic rhinosinusitis,CRS)发生、发展及预后的一项重要因素,但以往的研究在骨炎是否与CRS疾病的严重程度、与CRS患者鼻息肉的患病率、以及CRS患者经历反复手术等方面直接相关仍有争论,本研究拟用荟萃分析方法来对以上问题进行详尽探讨。[方法]两名评价人员按事先制定的检索策略分别检索Pub Med、Web of Science、Embase数据库,严格执行纳入和排除标准筛选骨炎和CRS相关的文献。应用Rev Man5.3软件对所收集数据进行分析。[结果]本荟萃分析共纳入9篇文献,1097例CRS患者。荟萃分析结果显示骨炎组的鼻窦黏膜评分(Lund-Mackay score,LMS)较无骨炎组高:标准化均数差(standard mean difference,SMD)为1.13,95%置信区间(confidence interval,CI)为0.72-1.54,P0.01。骨炎组的鼻内镜评分(Lund-Kennedy score,LKS)较无骨炎组高:SMD为1.00,95%CI为0.54-1.46,P0.01。骨炎组的鼻息肉患病率较无骨炎组高:比值比(Odds ratio,OR)为3.14,95%CI为1.67-5.90,P0.01。修正手术组的骨炎患病率较初次手术组高:OR为4.43,95%CI为3.05-6.43,P0.01。[结论]本荟萃分析结果显示,骨炎和CRS的严重程度呈正相关(骨炎组的LMS和LKS均高于无骨炎组),CRS患者中的鼻息肉患病率与骨炎患病率呈正相关,经历修正手术的CRS患者相对于经历初次手术的CRS患者骨炎患病率明显提高,这些差异均具有统计学上的意义。
[Abstract]:[objective] Osteositis is considered to be an important factor affecting the occurrence, development and prognosis of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), but previous studies on whether osteositis is associated with the severity of CRS disease and the prevalence of nasal polyps in CRS patients, And the direct correlation between CRS patients and repeated surgery is still controversial. In this study, the meta-analysis method was used to explore the above problems in detail. [methods] two evaluators searched the Pub Meden web of Science Embase database according to the search strategy made in advance. The data collected were analyzed by Rev Man5.3 software. [results] A total of 1 097 CRS patients were included in this meta-analysis. Meta-analysis showed bone. The nasal mucosa score in the inflammation group was higher than that in the non-osteositis group: the standard mean difference was 1.1395% confidence interval) (0.72-1.54% confidence interval). The nasal endoscopy score of the osteositis group Lund-Kennedy scorebook LKSs was higher than that of the non-osteositis group. The nasal morbidity rate of the osteositis group was 1.00 ~ 1.46% P0.00.The nasal prevalence rate of the osteositis group was higher than that of the non-osteositis group. The nasal morbidity rate of the osteositis group was higher than that of the non-osteositis group (1.00 ~ 95CI = 1.004-1.46). The nasal morbidity rate of the osteositis group was higher than that of the non-osteositis group. The incidence of osteositis in the modified operation group was higher than that in the first operation group (3.05-6.43 P0.01.Conclusion the meta-analysis shows that the incidence of osteositis in the modified operation group is higher than that in the first operation group. [conclusion] the meta-analysis shows that the incidence of osteositis in the modified operation group is higher than that in the first operation group. [conclusion] the results of meta-analysis show that the incidence of osteositis in the modified operation group is higher than that in the first operation group. There was a positive correlation between the severity of Osteitis and CRS (LMS and LKS in Osteositis group were higher than those in Osteositis group and Osteositis group. The incidence of osteositis in CRS patients undergoing correction surgery was significantly higher than that in CRS patients undergoing the first operation, and these differences were statistically significant.


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