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发布时间:2018-03-16 19:20

  本文选题:髂静脉受压综合征 切入点:螺旋计算机断层扫描 出处:《南昌大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目的:评估右侧、左侧髂股静脉血栓形成患者和无症状人群的右髂静脉受压程度。方法:首先,报道一例典型的右侧髂静脉受压综合征病例,分析其计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)及下肢静脉造影检查结果。其次,回顾性分析200例无症状人群(男:女100:100)的CT检查结果。最后,前瞻性分析79例下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)患者(左DVT:右DVT,47:32)。评估髂静脉的内径和狭窄率。结果:无症状的人群中,13.5%右髂静脉狭窄率50%,2.0%右髂静脉狭窄率70%,平平均狭窄率为23.48%;45.0%左髂静脉狭窄率50%和17.0%左髂静脉狭窄率70%,平均狭窄率为47.58%。右髂静脉夹在右髂外动脉和髂内动脉之间是最常见的右髂静脉受压方式,占59.26%。在右髂静脉平均狭窄率方面,右侧髂股静脉DVT患者高于左侧髂骨静脉DVT患者(48.54%:22.29%,P0.001);在左侧髂静脉平均狭窄率方面,左侧髂股静脉DVT患者高于右侧髂静脉DVT患者(71.88%:45.83%,P0.001)。结论:右髂静脉受压同左侧髂静脉受压一样是一种正常的血管解剖走行方式。右髂静脉夹在右髂外动脉和髂内动脉之间是最常见的右髂静脉受压方式。正常人群中严重的右髂静脉受压发生率低于严重的左髂静脉受压发生率。右髂股静脉血栓患者具有较严重的右髂静脉受压。
[Abstract]:Objective: To evaluate the degree of compression of the right iliac vein of patients and asymptomatic people formed the left iliac femoral venous thrombosis. Methods: first, report a case of right iliac vein compression syndrome of typical cases, analysis of the computed tomography (computed tomography, CT) and venography results. Secondly, a retrospective analysis of 200 cases of asymptomatic patients (male: female 100:100) CT examination results. Finally, a prospective analysis of 79 cases of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis (DVT) patients (left and right DVT: DVT, 47:32). The evaluation of iliac vein diameter and stenosis rate. Results: the asymptomatic population, 13.5% right iliac vein stenosis rate was 50% 2%, the right iliac vein stenosis rate was 70%, the mean stenosis rate was 23.48%; 45% left iliac vein stenosis rate was 50% and 17% in the left iliac vein stenosis rate was 70%, the average rate of 47.58%. stenosis of the right iliac vein between artery and iliac artery in the right iliac vein is the most common iliac right Compression, accounting for 59.26%. in the right iliac vein stenosis of the average rate, the right iliac vein in patients with DVT is higher than that of the left iliac vein in patients with DVT (48.54%: 22.29%, P0.001); the average rate of the left iliac vein stenosis, left iliac femoral vein in patients with DVT is higher than that of the right iliac vein of DVT patients (71.88%: 45.83%, P0.001). Conclusion: the right iliac vein compression with left iliac vein compression is a normal vascular anatomic way. Right iliac vein between the artery and iliac artery in right internal iliac compression is the most common way of the right iliac vein. The incidence rate is lower than the left iliac vein compression severe right iliac vein compression occurs in the normal population. The right iliac femoral venous thrombosis in patients with severe right iliac vein compression.



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