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发布时间:2018-03-21 20:44

  本文选题:Halo-股骨髁上牵引 切入点:后路矫形 出处:《中国矫形外科杂志》2017年19期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:[objective] to analyze the orthopedic contribution rate and clinical significance of high-weight Halo-femoral supracondylar traction in the treatment of severe stiff non-idiopathic scoliosis. A retrospective analysis was performed on 26 patients with severe rigid nonidiopathic scoliosis who underwent high weight Halo-femoral supracondylar traction. All patients were treated with Halo-bilateral supracondylar traction before operation. After 2 weeks of traction, the orthopedic bone graft fusion was performed with one stage posterior release and internal fixation during the operation. Bending images of standing position, supine position, fulcrum compression position, Cobb angle of postoperative scoliosis were measured before and after traction. The absolute and relative contribution rates of various orthopaedic elements, such as Bending, fulcrum compression, traction, surgery) were analyzed statistically. [results] there were no complications such as loosening of the nail canal and infection during traction, and no paralysis occurred during or after operation. Complications such as respiratory failure and death were followed up for 42 ~ 70 months with an average of 54.00 months. The mean Cobb angle of the standing position was 93.00 掳卤18.90 掳/ 71.00 掳/ 121.00 掳/ m, the mean value of the supine position was 74.70 掳卤20.04 掳/ 52.50 掳/ 106.00 掳/ m, the average value of the fulcrum pressure position was 68.90 掳卤18.21 掳48.00 掳/ 96.60 掳/ m, the average value was 59.80 掳卤15.82 掳/ 42.00 掳/ 79.80 掳and 40.60 掳卤12.09 掳/ 23.00 掳/ 58.10 掳respectively. The absolute contribution rate was 20.50% 卤6.02% 卤3.29% 卤9.63% 卤5.42% 卤8.61%, and the total contribution rate was 56.83% 卤6.87% 卤6.87% 卤67.61%. During traction, 5 cases with kyphosis and 5 cases with hip stiffness. [conclusion] in the treatment of severe stiff non-idiopathic scoliosis, the total contribution rate is 56.83% 卤6.87% 卤67.61%. [conclusion] in the treatment of severe stiff non-idiopathic scoliosis, the total contribution rate is 56.83% 卤6.87% 卤67.61%. Using Xiangya step by step large weight Halo-femur supracondylar traction, the orthopedic contribution rate is relatively prominent, which can effectively spread the orthopedic risk and reduce the surgical risk. It is a safe and effective method for the treatment of severe stiff non-idiopathic scoliosis.
【作者单位】: 中南大学湘雅医院脊柱外科湘雅脊柱外科中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:81472145) 湖南省“芙蓉学者”项目


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