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发布时间:2018-03-26 11:14

  本文选题:关节成形术 切入点:置换 出处:《中国组织工程研究》2017年23期

【摘要】:背景:单髁关节置换术近年来发展迅速,全球范围内手术量明显增加。但目前尚无关于单髁假体的系统综述。目的:对单髁假体的演变发展历史和现状进行综述,讨论目前常用单髁假体的分类、特点和临床效果,为临床提供指导。?方法:检索Pub Med和万方数据库与单髁假体和单髁临床效果相关的文章。共检索到文献177篇,排除重复性研究,纳入35篇,加上四大关节登记中心的年度报告4篇,总计纳入39篇文献进行综述。结果与结论:(1)单髁假体历经60多年的曲折发展已经逐渐成熟,文献报道的10年假体生存率已经超过90%;(2)目前主流假体主要是以Oxford 3为代表的活动平台和以ZUK和Link为代表的固定平台。两类假体在长期临床效果上并没有明显差异,但失败方式有所不同;(3)目前,无菌性松动和对侧间室病变的进展仍是单髁假体失败的主要方式;(4)采用生物固定和基于CT或MRI等影像资料的个性化假体设计可能是未来单髁假体的发展方向。
[Abstract]:Background: single condylar arthroplasty has been developing rapidly in recent years, and the operating volume has increased significantly in the world. But there is no systematic review of monomondylar prosthesis at present. Objective: to review the history and present situation of the evolution and development of single condylar prosthesis. To discuss the classification, characteristics and clinical effect of monomondylar prosthesis in common use so as to provide guidance for clinical practice. Methods: Pub Med and Wanfang database were searched for articles related to the clinical effects of monodondylar prosthesis and monodondylar prosthesis. A total of 177articles were retrieved, 35 articles were excluded from repetitive studies, and 4 annual reports of four major joint registration centers were added. A total of 39 articles were reviewed. Results and conclusions the monomondylar prosthesis has matured gradually after more than 60 years of tortuous development. The 10-year survival rate of the prosthesis reported in the literature has exceeded 90%. At present, the mainstream prostheses are mainly active platforms represented by Oxford 3 and fixed platforms represented by ZUK and Link. There is no significant difference in long-term clinical effects between the two types of prostheses. But the way of failure is different. Aseptic loosening and the progression of contralateral ventricular disease are still the main failure modes of monomondylar prostheses. (4) Bio-fixation and personalized prosthesis design based on CT or MRI image data may be the development direction of monomondylar prostheses in the future.
【作者单位】: 北京大学中日友好临床医学院;中日友好医院;


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