本文选题:直肠前突 切入点:RC 出处:《河北医科大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:直肠前突(Rectal protrusion,RC)是一种以便秘、排便不畅及肛门下坠感为主要临床表现的盆底松弛综合征。近年来,随着诊断标准的成熟及对RC广泛深入的研究,学者们对该病的认识越来越深刻。中医治疗RC应根据病人的具体情况辨证论治,将疾病的表现与中医辨证相结合,灵活运用多种手段综合治疗。归纳当代医家的治疗原则大致可分为“益气养血、温补肾阳”及“清热养阴、顺气导滞”两大类。在西医治疗上,手术是根治RC的方法,但一般先采用非手术疗法,保守疗法无效者,考虑手术疗法。手术可分为经直肠、经阴道、经会阴三种途径,中度和重度的病人手术治疗效果较好,在直肠前突手术前,应充分了解病人病情,以便选择出最佳术式。临床上也常将两者有机结合起来,采用中西医结合治疗RC,往往能起到事半功倍的效果。通过对近年来相关文献的分析,就RC的中医治疗、西医治疗及中西医结合治疗的国内外研究的最新进展以下几方面作一综述。
[Abstract]:Rectocele rectum protrusion (RCC) is a pelvic floor relaxation syndrome characterized by constipation, unobstructed defecation and anal depression. Scholars have a deeper and deeper understanding of the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of RC should be based on the specific conditions of the patients, according to the symptoms of the disease and TCM syndrome differentiation, The treatment principles of modern doctors can be divided into two categories: "replenishing qi and nourishing blood, warming and nourishing kidney yang" and "clearing away heat and nourishing yin, regulating qi and guiding stagnation". In the treatment of western medicine, surgery is the method of radical cure of RC. But generally, the non-operative therapy is used first, the conservative therapy is ineffective, and the surgical treatment is considered. The operation can be divided into three ways: transrectal, transvaginal, transperineal, moderate and severe. It is necessary to fully understand the patient's condition in order to choose the best operative method. In clinical practice, the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine is often used to treat RCC.Through the analysis of relevant literature in recent years, the effect of RCCtreatment can be doubled with half the effort. This paper reviews the latest research progress of RC in TCM treatment, western medicine therapy and integrated Chinese and western medicine therapy.
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