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发布时间:2018-04-03 17:30

  本文选题:乳腺癌手术 切入点:术前消毒 出处:《中国消毒学杂志》2017年05期

【摘要】:目的研究不同皮肤消毒方法在防控乳腺癌手术部位感染中的效果,为有效控制术后切口感染提供依据。方法采用细菌培养和目标性监测方法,观察3种术前皮肤消毒方法预防和控制乳腺癌术后感染效果。结果实验组A在手术前1日晚和手术当日早晨分别用20 g/L葡萄糖酸氯己定消毒液擦拭消毒患者全身皮肤2次,可保持术后24 h内手术切口部位皮肤上菌数3 cfu/cm~2,120例患者无一发生术后切口感染;实验组B仅于手术当日对手术区域进行消毒处理的患者,术后皮肤上细菌数和感染率均高于实验A组;对照组未进行术前消毒,患者术后皮肤上细菌数和切口感染率最高。结论术前采取葡萄糖氯己定皮肤消毒液皮肤涂擦消毒,有助于降低乳腺癌手术后手术部位切口感染发生率。
[Abstract]:Objective to study the effect of different skin disinfection methods on prevention and control of postoperative infection of breast cancer.Methods bacterial culture and objective monitoring were used to observe the efficacy of three skin disinfection methods in preventing and controlling postoperative infection of breast cancer.Results the patients in group A were disinfected with 20 g / L chlorhexidine gluconate disinfectant for 2 times in the evening of 1 day before operation and in the morning of the day of operation.The number of bacteria on the skin of the incision was maintained within 24 hours after operation. No postoperative wound infection occurred in 3 cfu/cm~2120 patients, while the patients in group B only disinfected the operation area on the day of operation.The number of bacteria and infection rate in the skin after operation were higher than those in group A, while in the control group, the number of bacteria and the infection rate of incision were the highest.Conclusion skin smearing and disinfection with glucoclohexidine skin disinfectant before operation is helpful to reduce the incidence of incision infection in breast cancer after operation.
【作者单位】: 漯河医学高等专科学校第三附属医院;


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