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发布时间:2018-04-13 08:31

  本文选题:腰椎不稳症 + Cage ; 参考:《成都中医药大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: To observe the posterior with Cage interbody fusion combined with pedicle screw fixation and interbody fusion Cage front impaction bone grafting combined with the clinical curative effect of pedicle screw fixation in treatment of lumbar instability syndrome, analysis of the two bone fusion effectiveness, clinical efficacy in vertebral stability, provide a reference basis for clinical methods. Through the observation of the Department of orthopedics in the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chengdu City Second People's Hospital of bone surgery from March 2013 to March 2014 during the period of lumbar instability with posterior pedicle screw fixation combined with interbody fusion in 60 cases of Cage and received complete follow-up data were followed up for 12 months. 30 cases in group.A were treated by simple Cage interbody fusion combined with pedicle internal fixation; B group of 30 patients with intervertebral Cage front impaction bone grafting with pedicle fixation. Two groups were in the preoperative and postoperative 1, 3,6,12 months of monitoring the following indicators: bone grafting time, intervertebral height, intervertebral motion angle, the Japanese Society of Department of orthopedics (JOA) surgery for low back pain score, Oswestry disability index, fusion rate. Statistical analysis of data using SPSS20.0 software. Results: two Cage bone grafting combined pedicle fixation system for the treatment of lumbar stable disease has obvious effect, two groups of surgical treatment of postoperative intervertebral height, intervertebral activity domain, JOA score, Oswestry disability index were compared with preoperative had significant improvement (P0.05). The efficacy of the two groups of surgery for treatment of lumbar vertebral instability symptoms is exact. And from the fusion of two group rate, two groups of bone graft for lumbar fusion success rate had no significant difference (P0.05), two groups of surgical treatment in the fusion rate. But no difference between the two groups in the postoperative observation of single index or deposit In difference. Maintain the height of intervertebral space in the postoperative intervertebral Cage front impaction bone grafting was significantly higher than that of pure Cage bone graft group (P0.05); and during the operation time of bone grafting, group A was less than Cage in front of the intervertebral impaction bone grafting group. Conclusion: two Cage bone graft combined with vertebra pedicle fixation system for the treatment of lumbar instability effect significantly, while the two group test for the fusion rate was not significantly different, but the two Cage fusion also exist differences. (1) intervertebral Cage front impaction bone grafting group can effectively maintain the height of intervertebral space; (2) vertebral clearance Cage front pressure the bone graft group because of increased bone loss, while expanding the contact area with the endplate bone can be more conducive to integration; (3) Cage simple bone fusion group has more advantages in saving operation time.



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