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发布时间:2018-04-26 09:56

  本文选题:骨折愈合 + 间歇振动 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Introduction: at present, China's population structure aging situation is serious. With the age and aging of the body, physiological loss of bone occurs, which induces osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture, which is a serious threat to human health. In order to prevent senile osteoporosis and promote fracture healing, it is necessary to develop a simple, safe, effective and nonpharmacological physical therapy. In this study, the effects of intermittent low-load mechanical vibration on fracture healing were studied, and the transverse and longitudinal nanostructures and mechanical properties of bone near the fracture line were studied experimentally. In order to search for the best vibration cycle to promote bone reconstruction and promote fracture healing. Methods: 56 female small tail Han sheep (12 months old) were divided into 8 groups: basic control group, natural healing group, continuous vibration group, intermittent vibration group for 1 day, intermittent vibration group for 3 days and intermittent vibration group for 5 days. Intermittent vibration group for 7 days, intermittent vibration group for 14 days. The mechanical vibration and mechanical stimulation of 35Hz 0.25g low load mechanical vibration was applied vertically to the fracture model. The animal experiment lasted for 8 weeks, once a day for 15 minutes. The continuous vibration group received one vibration every day, the intermittent vibration X day group, and the rest X day after the vibration X day. After vibration, bone samples were collected. 2mm thick sector test samples and 4mm 脳 4mm 脳 2mm longitudinal test samples were collected in the area near the fracture line of bone samples. The proximal external callus was detected by atomic force microscope (AFM) and nano-indentation instrument, respectively. The morphology and mechanical properties of proximal callus, distal external callus and distal cortical bone were examined. Results: (1) on the morphology of Na, 1: 1. Size of transverse and longitudinal particles, between intermittent vibration X day group and natural healing group, between continuous vibration group and natural healing group, There was a significant difference between the intermittent 7 day group and the continuous vibration group, and the particle size of the interval 7 day group was the smallest, the interval 1 day 3 days 5 days and 14 days group was the second, and the natural healing group was the largest 2. Horizontal and longitudinal surface roughness, between the intermittent vibration X day group and the natural healing group, between the continuous vibration group and the natural healing group, There was a significant difference between the interval 7 day group and the continuous vibration group, and the roughness of the interval 7 day group was the biggest, the interval 1 day 3 days 5 days and 14 days group was the second, and the natural healing group was the least. (2) on the mechanical properties of nanoscale: 1. The elastic modulus of transverse and longitudinal samples, between intermittent X day group and continuous vibration group, and between continuous vibration group and natural healing group showed no significant difference (P 0.05), and the maximum elastic modulus of 7 days interval group was 2. The hardness of transverse and longitudinal samples, intermittent X day group and continuous vibration group, continuous vibration group and natural healing group showed no significant difference (P 0.05), and the hardness of interval 7 day group was the highest. Conclusion: the results of nano morphology analysis show that different intermittent vibration cycles can improve the morphology of the samples, and the effect of intermittent vibration osteogenesis is better than that of continuous vibration, and the best intermittent vibration period is 7 days. The results of mechanical properties analysis show that the mechanical properties of nano-scale can be improved by different intermittent periodic vibration. The elastic modulus and hardness of the seven days interval period are the largest. To sum up, different intermittent vibration cycles can better promote bone reconstruction and promote fracture healing. The interval period of 7 days is the best.


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