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发布时间:2018-04-27 02:00

  本文选题:假体和植入物 + 多孔性 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年15期

【摘要】:背景:多孔结构已被证实可以有效提高假体植入物稳定性,而孔的结构设计一直是提高植入物骨整合性的有效手段。目的:介绍多孔结构设计的研究进展。方法:以"scaffold,pore size,porosity,osteogenesis"为检索词,在WOS数据库检索2000年1月至2016年4月与假体植入物多孔结构相关的文献。排除与主题——"假体植入物多孔结构"相关性较小、多孔"结构"方面实验结果表述不清,以及与多孔"结构"无关的文章。结果与结论:(1)传统假体植入物的稳定性在某些具体情况下不能满足相应要求,而多孔结构的假体植入物可以达到骨性结合的目的,提高稳定性;(2)孔几何结构的研究是现在的热点,研究人员通过设计多孔支架进行体外与体内实验,研究多孔假体植入物在人体内的植入与整合情况;(3)研究表明,在满足支架机械支撑等基本条件下,较高的孔隙率、合适的孔径长度、微孔形貌与孔壁微表面结构的存在都可能会刺激骨组织的生长和分化;(4)但是目前多孔结构植入物及支架材料大多还处于体外实验和动物实验阶段,促进骨生成、骨长入的孔结构仍需进一步研究。
[Abstract]:Background: porous structure has been proved to be effective in improving the stability of prosthesis implants, and pore structure design has been an effective means to improve the bone integrity of implants. Objective: to introduce the research progress of porous structure design. Methods: using "scaffold pore size porosity osteogenesis" as the key word, we searched the literature related to the porous structure of prosthesis implants from January 2000 to April 2016 in WOS database. There is little correlation with the topic of "porous structure of prosthesis implants", the experimental results of porous "structure" are unclear, and the article is not related to the porous "structure". Results and conclusion (1) the stability of traditional prosthesis implants could not meet the corresponding requirements under some specific circumstances, but the porous structure implants could achieve the purpose of bone bonding. The research on the geometric structure of the holes in order to improve the stability is a hot topic at present. The researchers studied the implantation and integration of porous prosthesis implants in human body by designing porous scaffolds in vitro and in vivo. High porosity, suitable pore length and other basic conditions, such as support mechanical support, etc. The existence of micropore morphology and pore wall microsurface structure may stimulate the growth and differentiation of bone tissue. However, most of the porous structure implants and scaffolds are still in the stage of in vitro and animal experiments to promote bone formation. The structure of the long bone foramen still needs further study.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学第二医院;吉林大学第二临床学院;
【基金】:吉林省省级产业专业创新专项资金项目(2016C037) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20150414006G H)~~


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