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发布时间:2018-05-01 12:37

  本文选题:混合痔术后 + 肛缘水肿 ; 参考:《山东中医药大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to study the risk factors and preventive measures of perianal edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids. Methods: to observe and analyze the incidence, degree of edema and the correlation with hemorrhoids, defecation, pain, sex and other factors after operation of mixed hemorrhoids, and put forward the preventive measures. Results: the perianal edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids was due to local tissue injury and blood circulation, lymphatic reflux disturbance or stimulation due to accumulation of metabolites, increased vascular permeability and excessive tissue fluid retention. Or the drainage is not smooth and the postoperative dressing change nursing is improper, the local wound infection and local inflammatory reaction are induced, and the local tissue hyperplasia is caused. There is no significant correlation between the incidence and sex, but also with the degree of disease, defecation, pain and other aspects. Conclusion: the incidence of edema after mixed hemorrhoids is related to the degree of disease, the way of operation, preoperative preparation, postoperative nursing and defecation, pain and so on. Great progress has been made in the prevention and treatment of perianal edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids. However, no matter what treatment method is adopted to improve the local blood and lymphatic circulation in the wound margin, the incidence of perianal edema has not been fundamentally eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid many factors of edema formation, such as fine operation, clean stripping, unobstructed drainage and so on, in order to prevent the occurrence of edema and alleviate the postoperative pain. On the premise of fine operation of operation and perfection of many details, applying fumigation and washing with traditional Chinese medicine for external use, changing dressing correctly after operation, keeping stool as usual, and relieving pain, Psychological dredging and other comprehensive treatment is the main method to prevent and treat perianal edema after hemorrhoids operation. If patients are told to adjust their diet well after operation, to relieve psychological pressure and keep their mood at ease, to form the habit of regular defecation, to shorten defecation time and to keep defecation unobstructed, the occurrence of edema after mixed hemorrhoids can be reduced. It is good for the recovery of illness.


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