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发布时间:2018-05-07 19:42

  本文选题:大骨节病 + 硒元素 ; 参考:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Kashin Beck disease is a local, deformable osteoarthropathy, which has a serious influence on the growth and development of children. It has a high morbidity and disability rate. At present, the hypothesis of etiology is mainly focused on the environmental factors, including the theory of mycotoxin poisoning, the theory of low selenium and so on. The pathogenesis of the disease is not yet clear. This experiment was used from Qinghai. The predominant endophytic Fusarium in the ear stage of the Kaschin Beck disease area, combined with the effect of selenium on the Fusarium, acted on the cultured chondrocytes cultured in vitro by the fermentation products obtained from different selenium levels, by MTT method, toluidine blue and immunohistochemical staining, and RT-PCR method to detect the related physiological indexes of chondrocyte disease. The results showed that the fermentation products of three Fusarium strains could obviously reduce the cell survival rate, and also significantly reduce the synthesis of type II collagen and proteoglycan and inhibit the transcriptional level of mRNA. The inhibitory effect of fermentation products on the synthesis of proteoglycan and type II collagen egg white under the suitable concentration of selenium condition is smaller than that of the selenium free. For 5- 5-1 strains and 6-5-1 strains, when the selenium concentration is higher than 0.5mg/L, the inhibition increases; for the 1-8-B strain, the selenium concentration is higher than the 0.5mg/L, when the selenium concentration is higher than the selenium concentration, the inhibition effect of the fermentation product on the two proteins is large, but the inhibition effect is slightly smaller than that of the selenium free. The 5-5-1 strain of the T-2 toxin of the three strains of the above three strains will have different concentrations. The fermentation products of T-2 toxin and 5-5-1 strain acted on the rabbit chondrocytes cultured in vitro. The results showed that the two groups could reduce the survival rate of cartilage cells, inhibit the synthesis of proteoglycan and type II collagen and the transcriptional level of mRNA. Compared with pure T-2 toxin, the fermentation products containing 5-5-1 strain, similar to T-2 toxin, survived the cell survival. Rate, inhibition of the synthesis of proteoglycan and type II collagen and the inhibition of the transcriptional level of mRNA, the results showed that the fermentation products of three strains of experimental bacteria could make chondrocytes similar to the disease characteristics of Kaschin Beck disease. Compared with the selenium free Fusarium, the fermentation products with suitable concentration selenium culture strain were fine to the cartilage. The inhibitory effects of cell related indexes were relatively small, and the fermentation products containing the same T-2 toxin content were more inhibited than the pure T-2 toxin on chondrocytes. The results suggest that the suitable concentration of selenium may inhibit the toxicity of the strain, thus reducing the toxicity of the fermentation products to the cells, and the Fusarium toxin is fine to the cartilage. Cytotoxicity may be the result of the combined action of various mycotoxins.



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