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发布时间:2018-05-16 09:26

  本文选题: + 骨折 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年03期

【摘要】:背景:虚拟现实技术在医疗研究中的应用,可有效的降低手术风险,提高手术质量,在外科手术中的应用有很重要的现实意义。目的:采用逆向工程及虚拟现实技术对1例Pilon骨折患者的脚踝进行三维数字化重构及术前模拟。方法:利用患者脚踝部的CT扫描数据在MIMICS软件中对患处进行了三维重建,并对骨折形成的碎骨进行了分离;利用Geomagic Studio软件根据虚拟现实操作平台的要求对碎骨模型进行了进一步处理后导出STL格式文件,将其导入虚拟现实操作平台进行复位以检查碎块提是否完整;利用虚拟现实操作平台进行模拟手术。结果与结论:采用逆向工程与虚拟现实技术实现了1例Pilon骨折病例的术前模拟。将处理后的三维模型导入虚拟现实系统中,进行模拟手术,帮助医生选择手术入路和接骨板的种类、位置及方向,效果良好。
[Abstract]:Background: the application of virtual reality technology in medical research can effectively reduce the risk of surgery and improve the quality of surgery. The application of virtual reality technology in surgery is of great practical significance. Objective: to use reverse engineering and virtual reality technique to reconstruct and simulate the ankle of a case of Pilon fracture. Methods: Three-dimensional reconstruction of the affected area was carried out using CT scan data of the ankle of the patient in MIMICS software, and the broken bone formed by the fracture was separated. According to the requirements of the virtual reality operation platform, the Geomagic Studio software is used to further deal with the broken bone model and then export the STL format file, and import it into the virtual reality operation platform to reset to check whether the fragments are intact or not. The virtual reality operation platform is used to simulate the operation. Results & conclusion: a case of Pilon fracture was simulated by reverse engineering and virtual reality. The processed 3D model is introduced into the virtual reality system and simulated operation is carried out to help doctors select the type, position and direction of the surgical approach and the bony plate, and the results are good.
【作者单位】: 新疆大学机械工程学院;解放军兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院全军骨科中心;


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