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发布时间:2018-05-16 10:01

  本文选题:国际标准开本 + 专题述评 ; 参考:《中国普通外科杂志》2016年01期

[Abstract]:The Chinese Journal of General surgery is a specialized academic journal of general surgery sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the people's Republic of China, sponsored by Central South University and hosted by Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. It mainly publishes basic theories in the field of general surgery and related disciplines. Clinical research, research results and progress. The journal is a monthly magazine, published on the 15th of every month, with 120 pages per issue of the International Standard. The purpose of the publication is to convey academic information and strengthen mutual exchanges; to improve academic standards and promote discipline development; and to pay attention to basic research, Serving Clinical practice .2 readers for General Surgeons at all levels and related Professionals in Clinical, Scientific Research, Teaching, and General surgery Field Postgraduate programs set up an expert consensus, Guide, Review, expert Forum, AME Research time column, International online topic Review, International online hand


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