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发布时间:2018-05-25 00:13

  本文选题:关节成形术 + 置换 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2016年09期

【摘要】:背景:髋关节置换过程中可以使用不同材料的假体,不同的假体组合会产生不同的生物力学效果和骨界面应力分布。目的:探讨不同材料人工髋关节假体对骨界面的应力分布及生物力学的影响。方法:对志愿者进行髋部CT扫描,所得图像资料以DICOM格式进行保存,并利用MIMICS软件进行处理,导入ANSYS获得股骨三维有限元模型。对股骨材料属性进行赋材质,获得股骨赋材质三维有限元模型。选择3种不同的置换假体材料(钴铬钼合金、钛合金以及复合材料),结合实际关节置换的具体要求,在CAE软件中对不同类型假体予以设计,得出相应的假体模型。按照STL格式将构建的假体模型导入MIMICS中,对股骨与假体进行装配。对不同假体关节置换后的应力情况进行分析,分别对3种假体在置换后对应完整股骨中下部应力集中区内外侧、小转子右下方30 mm、股骨近端小转子右侧的应力遮挡率进行计算。结果与结论:通过三维有限元分析,建立了直观、精确的股骨模型以及假体三维模型。按照实际情况对股骨三维有限元模型进行赋材质,获得相应的模型,从而更加直观的展现出股骨内部不同材质的属性,并对钴铬钼合金、钛合金、复合材料3种假体置换后的股骨应力进行了模拟。结果发现,应力遮挡率在股骨中下端股骨会出现下降的情况,置换后股骨远端部位应力高于完整股骨应力水平。提示使用钴铬钼合金、钛合金、复合材料3种置换假体进行髋关节置换后均会出现一定的应力遮挡情况。其中复合材料假体与人体的实际生理环境更为接近,可以有效减少应力遮挡作用,有利于应力从假体传导至股骨上。
[Abstract]:Background: different materials can be used in hip arthroplasty. Different prosthesis combinations can produce different biomechanical effects and stress distribution at bone interface. Objective: to investigate the effect of hip prosthesis with different materials on the stress distribution and biomechanics of bone interface. Methods: the CT scan of the hip was performed on the volunteers, and the images were saved in DICOM format. The 3D finite element model of femur was obtained by introducing ANSYS into the software of MIMICS. A three-dimensional finite element model of femur material was obtained by assigning material to femur. Three different kinds of replacement prosthesis materials (cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy, titanium alloy and composite material) were selected. According to the specific requirements of actual joint replacement, different types of prostheses were designed in CAE software, and the corresponding prosthetic models were obtained. The constructed prosthesis model was imported into MIMICS according to STL format, and the femur and prosthesis were assembled. The stress of different prostheses after joint replacement was analyzed. The stress occlusion rates of the three prostheses in the stress concentration zone of the middle and lower part of the femur, the lower right of the trochanter and the right side of the proximal trochanter of the femur were calculated respectively. Results & conclusion: through three-dimensional finite element analysis, an intuitionistic and accurate three-dimensional model of femur and prosthesis was established. According to the actual situation, the three-dimensional finite element model of the femur is textured, and the corresponding model is obtained, so that the attributes of different materials in the femur can be displayed more intuitively, and the cobalt, chromium and molybdenum alloy, titanium alloy, The stress of femur after three kinds of prosthesis replacement of composite material was simulated. The results showed that the stress occlusion rate would decrease in the middle and lower femur, and the stress of the distal femur after replacement was higher than that of the intact femur. It is suggested that there will be some stress occlusion after hip replacement with cobalt, chromium and molybdenum alloy, titanium alloy and composite material. The composite prosthesis is closer to the actual physiological environment of the human body, which can effectively reduce the stress occlusion and facilitate the stress transmission from the prosthesis to the femur.
【作者单位】: 成都三六三医院骨科;


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