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发布时间:2018-05-26 18:46

  本文选题:踝关节 + 不稳定 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Background and purpose: the ankle complex consists of the tibial and subtalar joints, bearing the body's weight and plays a key role in daily and physical activities. Chronic ankle instability may result in a series of ankle and foot pathological changes, such as each of the ankle joints caused by physical activity or daily life. Changes in the kinematics of the relative displacement and angle of the bone, the impact of the ankle, the size and distribution of the stress and distribution of the joint, the abnormal arrangement of the posterior foot of the ankle, and so on. These pathological changes directly result in a series of discomfort symptoms such as the long-term swelling and pain of the ankle and foot, and some patients also accompany the osteochondral damage of the talus or / and the tibia. The pathological manifestations of chronic ankle instability are mostly associated with the change of the ankle joint in body kinematics, so it is very important to study the changes in the body movement in detail. Methods: 10 normal volunteers and 6 chronic ankle joint instability were used in this study by using the dual fluoroscopy system (DFIS) and the three-dimensional motion capture system (Vicon). The ankle joint complex is dynamically captured by the ankle joint complex when walking on a speed treadmill. Before using the DFIS system for human body kinematics, the accuracy of the static motion and dynamic motion is verified by using the corpse specimens. The movement of the ankle joint is obtained by the DFIS system. The static morphologic images of the bone formation in each group of the ankle joint were matched with the CT scan, and the space position of the tibia, talus and calcaneus at each time point was obtained. The movement angles and displacements of the ankle and suballocating joints were further obtained by the conversion of CT and anatomic coordinate system, thus the ankle of the normal population was obtained. The way of movement of the joint in body. Using the above method to get the movement mode of the ankle joint in the patients with chronic ankle instability, and compared with the normal population. Results: the accuracy of DFIS system cadaver specimens is verified: the mean position error is 0.03 + 0.35mm and the mean rotation error is 0.25 + 0.81 degrees. The result shows that this technique can be used to test the body accurately and quantitatively. The activity of the ankle joint complex. The results of the body kinematics in the normal population show that the tibial joint plays a major role in the ankle dorsum and metatarsal movement, while the internal and external movements are mainly from the heel joint. The distance from the late stage of the gait to the toe off the ground and the outer and internal rotation angles of the joint are greater than the heel ground to the middle standing. Early activity. The tibial - calcaneus and tibia - talus between the tibia and the tibia and the talus were in the heel to the middle of the stand, the angle of the internal rotation increased, the forward distance increased, the angle of the internal rotation increased from the middle of the standing to the toe to the ground, and the relative movement angle between the talus and the two gait and the displacements between the bone and the bone Conclusion: the combined use of double fluoroscopy system (DFIS) and model tracking method can accurately measure the body movement angle and displacement of the ankle complex in the dynamic movement of the bone. The ankle joint movement changes in the patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI) during walking, especially the ankle joint varus around the heel. Increased amplitude of internal rotation may be an important reason for a series of pathological manifestations such as ankle impact, osteochondral injury, posterior foot line abnormalities, osteoarthritis, and so on.


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