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发布时间:2018-05-30 23:15

  本文选题:开放性骨折 + 感染性骨缺损 ; 参考:《第二军医大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industry and transportation in China, the incidence of open fracture caused by high energy damage, such as traffic accidents and high falling, is increasing year by year, and bone infection occurs easily after open fracture. For a series of pathological features of infectious bone defect, scholars mainly classify it as the following 1) bacterial biofilm formation; 2) It is difficult to form an effective concentration locally; 3) local blood transport damage; 4) bone regeneration is difficult. Therefore, it is important to develop bone grafting materials with dual efficacy of antibacterial and osteogenesis for the treatment of open fracture caused by infectious bone defects. Another complication that affects the prognosis of open fracture is scar scar. High energy damage Guide In the open fracture, the local soft tissue is badly damaged and the wound is irregular. Even if the bone tissue of the open fracture patient is healed within a long period of treatment, if a clear scar tissue is left over, the patient's daily life will be plagued, the activity of the joint is restricted, and the satisfaction of the open fracture patients can be reduced. The key to scar formation includes the following aspects: inhibiting hyperproliferation of fibroblasts, inhibiting excessive deposition of collagen, and promoting the orderly growth of fibrous tissue in the wound site. However, treatment at the present stage is not satisfactory in reducing the effect of hypertrophic scar formation. The advantages of graphene as bone grafting material in carbon nanomaterials are shown in the following aspects: 1, the physical and chemical properties of the modified scaffold meet the needs of bone filling; 2, biocompatibility and bone formation performance are excellent; 3, it has a positive effect on stem cell proliferation and osteogenesis differentiation; 4, the material itself has certain antibacterial properties; 5, with a special knot. The structure characteristics can be used as an ideal drug carrier. On the other hand, as another form of carbon nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes have been widely used in biomedical field because of their unique structure and rich surface modifier. The study has found that ordered arrays of carbon nanotubes can induce a variety of cell oriented growth and growth. The purpose of this study is to make use of the unique physical and chemical properties of carbon nanomaterials to prepare a three-dimensional composite scaffold with good bone properties and have certain antibacterial properties, and to take antibiotics for open fracture infection and bone deficiency, as the purpose of this study is to use the unique physicochemical properties of carbon nanomaterials. Furthermore, using the excellent plasticity of carbon nanomaterials to prepare the oriented carbon nanotube films, the effect of inhibiting the formation of cicatrars is determined by experimental study, and the mechanism is explored to provide a new idea for the further application of carbon nanomaterials in tissue engineering. The synthetic reductive graphene oxide / nano hydroxyapatite composite scaffold (RGO-nHA) was used to observe its microscopic characterization through SEM, AFM, and TEM. The physicochemical properties of the composite scaffold were characterized by TGA, FTIR and other means. The properties of the sustained release vancomycin were measured by the drug release experiment in vitro, and L929, MC3T3 cells were selected to evaluate the formation and withering of the scaffolds. The effect of BMSCs cells, cell count, fluorescent staining, SEM and CLSM were used to evaluate the effect of scaffolds on cell adhesion and proliferation, cell morphology, and the osteogenesis of the stent was evaluated by alizarin red staining, ALP activity detection and so on. The formation of biomembrane; the antibacterial performance and persistence of the scaffold were evaluated through the liquid culture and the solid medium bacteriostasis test. The blood compatibility of the scaffolds was evaluated through the in vitro hemolysis test, and the changes of the erythrocyte morphology were observed by SEM. The absorption of the composite scaffold was observed by implanting the composite scaffold into the mice, and the evaluation of its absorption in the body was observed. The influence on the key organs of the mice was established, and a New Zealand white rabbit model of infectious bone defect was established, and the composite scaffold was grouped into the local lesion of New Zealand white rabbit model. The infection control and bone regeneration were evaluated by imaging examination, blood biochemistry, and histological examination. Furthermore, we prepared the order by chemical vapor deposition. ACNTs films were prepared by carbon nanotube arrays. Their micromorphology was observed by SEM, TEM, SAXRD and so on. The effects on cell proliferation and cell safety were evaluated by cell proliferation experiments, EdU staining and apoptosis experiments, and cytoskeleton redistribution and directional growth were induced by fluorescence staining and SEM observation of ACNTs. The mechanism of inhibiting collagen deposition, inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing cell directional growth were studied by gene chip analysis, PCR, Western-blot and other methods. The effect of ACNTs inhibition on hyperplastic scar formation was verified by general observation and histological analysis. The RGO-nHA composite scaffold has a three-dimensional porous structure which is connected with each other. After adding nHA, the osteogenic performance is enhanced, which promotes the growth of the cells and promotes bone regeneration. After loading vancomycin on the composite scaffold, the drug can be released quickly at the initial stage due to the pion bond with graphene, and then a slow drug can be carried out. After the release of the drug, the drug release characteristics combined with the inherent antibacterial activity of graphene can ensure rapid treatment of infection and provide persistent inhibitory effect on bacteria. In vivo experiments also proved that the drug delivery system can effectively treat infectious bone defects. Furthermore, we successfully synthesized ACNTs by chemical vapor deposition, and the results show that ACNTs It can effectively inhibit the excessive proliferation of fibroblasts, guide the orientation growth of the cells, inhibit the deposition of collagen, and in vitro experimental results confirm the cytotoxicity of the cells. The mechanism analysis shows that ACNTs plays a role mainly by changing the cell proliferation, cytoskeleton, cell motility and gene expression related to the secretion of colloid. Finally, we take it. The rabbit ear scar model was used to evaluate its living effect, which showed that ACNTs could effectively inhibit the formation of hyperplastic scar. The above study uses the unique physicochemical and biological characteristics of graphene and carbon nanotube two carbon nanomaterials, and innovatively introduces them to the treatment of infected bone defects and wound scars caused by open fracture. A series of in vitro and animal living experiments have proved that carbon nanomaterials can be used as an ideal tissue engineering scaffold for the treatment of infected bone defects and wound scars. This provides a new way of thinking for the use of new carbon nanomaterials to solve clinical problems.


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