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发布时间:2018-05-30 23:32

  本文选题:虚拟现实技术 + 数据手套 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:脑血管疾病现在已经严重威胁着人们的健康。血管介入手术因为其创伤小,恢复快和效果好等优点被广泛应用。该手术是在病人的股静脉处穿刺,将手术导管送达病变位置,同时,医生在手术过程中通过X射线显影技术产生的图像进行指引。但是,介入手术时间比较长,医生容易产生疲劳感和生理颤抖,影响手术的安全性。在传统微创手术中,医生必须有丰富的经验来精确地操作导管以保证手术的安全。通过采用虚拟现实(VR,Virtual Reality)技术的血管介入手术医生训练系统,能够有效的解决这些问题。为了提高医生的手术技巧,我们提出了一种基于触觉临场感的血管介入手术医生训练系统。针对显影技术产生的二维图像在操作过程中辨认不精确的问题,本文建立了虚拟现实环境,能够允许医生直观的观察手术过程中的导管的运作,使医生在手术中积累的经验和技巧得以充分的利用。通过建立的高精度模型的碰撞检测来判断医生的下一步操作,防止刺穿血管,使血管介入手术更安全可靠。医生在手术时推进导管会有惯性,而且手术疲劳也会导致导管没有按期操作,本文在建立了力反馈模型的同时加入了力反馈数据手套(CyberGlove)来实现力反馈。医生在手术时,虚拟环境中的导管模型会对医生操作的导管进行实时跟踪,当导管模型与血管模型发生碰撞时,PC机会根据建立的力反馈模型计算出力反馈,并传递给力反馈数据手套使其震动。当血管的形变量越大,意味着导管越有可能刺穿血管,相应数据手套的震动频率就越高。本文通过导管模型跟随性实验验证了血管介入手术医生训练系统中导管模型跟随性,实验表明导管模型能很好地完成对手术中医生操作导管的跟踪,当导管进行轴向位移操作时,最大误差为1mm,平均误差在0.4mm左右,误差值相对来说已经比较小。当导管进行径向旋转操作时,旋转角度的最大误差为1°,平均误差在0.5°左右,满足医生训练系统的要求。论文的最后进行了力反馈实验,实验结果证明系统能逼真地模拟医生手术训练过程,当导管和血管模型发生碰撞时,CyberGlove能立即震动,并且当血管最大形变量给定为0.5mm时,力反馈为0.619N。
[Abstract]:Cerebrovascular disease is now a serious threat to people's health. Vascular interventional surgery is widely used because of its advantages of small trauma, quick recovery and good effect. The procedure is to puncture the femoral vein of the patient and deliver the catheter to the location of the lesion. At the same time, the doctor uses X-ray imaging to guide the operation. However, the interventional operation takes a long time, and doctors are prone to fatigue and physiological tremors, affecting the safety of the operation. In the traditional minimally invasive surgery, doctors must have rich experience to accurately operate the catheter to ensure the safety of the operation. These problems can be effectively solved by using the virtual reality (VR) technique to train the doctors in vascular interventional surgery. In order to improve the surgical skills of doctors, we proposed a doctor training system for vascular interventional surgery based on tactile preset. In view of the problem of inaccurate identification of two-dimensional images produced by the development technology, a virtual reality environment is established, which allows doctors to observe the operation of catheters during operation intuitively. Make full use of the experience and skill accumulated by the doctor during the operation. Through the collision detection of the established high precision model to judge the doctor's next operation, prevent the puncture of blood vessel, make the vascular interventional operation safer and more reliable. Doctors will have inertia to push the catheter during operation, and surgical fatigue will cause the catheter not to operate on time. In this paper, the force feedback model is established and the force feedback data glove CyberGlove is added to realize force feedback. During surgery, the catheter model in the virtual environment will track the catheter operated by the doctor in real time. When the catheter model collides with the vascular model, PC will calculate the force feedback according to the established force feedback model. And the transmission of force feedback data gloves to make it vibrate. The larger the blood vessel deformation, the more likely the catheter will puncture the vessel, and the higher the frequency of vibration of the data glove. In this paper, the following characteristics of catheter model in the doctor training system of vascular interventional surgery are verified by the following experiment of catheter model. The experiment shows that the catheter model can complete the tracking of the doctor's operation of the catheter during the operation. The maximum error is 1 mm, the average error is about 0.4mm, and the error is relatively small. The maximum error of rotation angle is 1 掳and the average error is about 0.5 掳when the catheter is rotated in radial direction, which meets the requirements of doctor training system. At the end of the paper, a force feedback experiment is carried out. The experimental results show that the system can simulate the doctor's operation training process vividly, when the vessel and vessel model collide, the CyberGlove can vibrate immediately, and when the maximum vessel shape variable is given as 0.5mm, The force feedback is 0.619 N.


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