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发布时间:2018-06-03 13:19

  本文选题:改良Allen试验 + 血流灌注指数 ; 参考:《蚌埠医学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:探讨拇指血流灌注指数(Perfusion Index,PI)试验替代改良Allen试验(modified Allen's test,MAT)评价掌部组织侧支循环血流灌注的可行性。方法:选择1108例拟行择期手术并需要经桡动脉入路进行有创动脉压力监测的患者,在桡动脉穿刺前先后用MAT和拇指PI值试验分别评价患者试验侧掌部组织侧支循环血流灌注的情况,并将两种试验方法结果进行统计学比较和分析。结果:在1108例患者中MAT阴性患者1035例(93.41%),阳性患者73例(6.59%);拇指PI值试验阴性患者1090例(98.38%),其中包括57例MAT阳性患者,阳性患者18例(1.62%)。拇指PI值试验阴性患者行经该侧桡动脉入路进行有创动脉压力监测,两种试验方法结果进行卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(x2=51.27,P0.05)。两种试验方法影响因素进行logistic回归分析发现两种试验方法结果阳性率均与年龄和性别有相关性(P0.05)。结论:在本研究中用拇指PI值试验筛选出1.62%的患者不宜行经桡动脉入路进行有创动脉压力监测。拇指PI值试验的敏感性高于MAT,并且拇指PI值试验方法简单、操作方便,值得在临床工作中推广,用于替代MAT来评价掌部组织侧支循环血流灌注的情况。
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the feasibility of thumb perfusion index (Pi) test in evaluating collateral circulation perfusion in palmar tissues in place of modified Allen test and modified Allen's test. Methods: 1108 patients with invasive arterial pressure monitoring were selected. Before radial artery puncture, MAT and thumb Pi test were used to evaluate the collateral circulation perfusion in the palmar tissue of the patients, and the results of the two methods were compared and analyzed statistically. Results: of the 1108 cases, 1035 cases were MAT negative, 73 cases were positive, 1090 cases were negative for thumb Pi test, including 57 cases were MAT positive, 18 cases were positive. The invasive arterial pressure was monitored through the radial artery approach in patients with negative Pi test of thumb. The results of the two test methods were chi-square test. The difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the positive rate of the two test methods was correlated with age and sex (P 0.05). Conclusion: in this study, 1.62% of the patients were selected by thumb Pi test for invasive arterial pressure monitoring via radial artery approach. The sensitivity of Pi value test of thumb is higher than that of MATT, and the method of thumb Pi value test is simple and easy to operate, which is worth popularizing in clinical work. It can be used to evaluate collateral circulation perfusion in palmar tissue instead of MAT.


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