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发布时间:2018-06-05 12:57

  本文选题:副脊索瘤 + 软组织肿块影 ; 参考:《临床放射学杂志》2017年04期

【摘要】:正患者女,40岁。因"无意发现右髂腰部包块6月余,近来稍有增大"就诊。体检:右侧髂腰部骨盆上方触及一大小约8.0 cm×8.0 cm包块,位于脂肪层下,表面光滑,活动度差,质地韧,轻压痛,无发热,皮肤无红肿,无破溃流液。CT示右髂腰部皮下肌间隙内见一大小约7.8 cm×5.2 cm×7.2 cm的软组织肿块影,边界清晰,平扫病灶密度欠均匀,
[Abstract]:The patient is 40 years old. Due to "inadvertent discovery of the right iliolumbar mass in June, recently slightly enlarged." Physical examination: the right iliac waist above the pelvis touches a mass of about 8.0 cm 脳 8.0 cm in size, located below the fat layer, with a smooth surface, poor mobility, tough texture, mild tenderness, no fever, no redness and swelling of the skin. Ct showed a soft tissue mass about 7.8 cm 脳 5.2 cm 脳 7.2 cm in size in the subcutaneous muscle space of right iliac waist. The boundary was clear and the density of the lesion on plain scan was not uniform.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学第一附属医院影像科;




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