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发布时间:2018-06-08 09:59

  本文选题:Z型覆膜支架 + 波峰数目 ; 参考:《医用生物力学》2017年02期

【摘要】:目的分析Z型覆膜支架波峰数目对覆膜支架生物力学性能,尤其对径向支撑性能及柔顺性影响,为Z型覆膜支架设计以及临床选择提供理论支持。方法通过有限元方法,建立4种不同波峰数目(5、8、10、12)的Z型覆膜支架有限元模型,分别施加径向位移载荷和绕z轴40°转动变量以完成压握和弯折的模拟,并提取支架应力、径向支撑力、覆膜应变、横截面变形程度及弯矩作为评价参数。结果相比波峰数目较多的覆膜支架,压握过程中5波峰覆膜支架具有最大的径向力,提供良好的径向支性能;5波峰覆膜支架在弯折模拟中产生了68 N·mm的最小力矩及67.5%的最小弯折横截面变形程度,并且在弯曲过程中覆膜的拉伸应变较小。结论 Z型覆膜支架波峰数目对覆膜支架生物力学性能的影响显著。波峰数目相对较少的Z型覆膜支架在径向支撑性能及弯曲力矩、横截面形变程度等柔顺性评价方面表现出优势,有利于覆膜支架在血管内的固定贴合,对减少血栓和内漏等并发症具有积极意义。研究结果可以指导Z型覆膜支架优化设计及手术最优选择。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the effect of wave peak number on biomechanical properties, especially on radial support and compliance of Z type covered stent, and to provide theoretical support for the design and clinical selection of Z type covered stent. Methods by using finite element method, the finite element models of four kinds of Z-type laminated scaffolds with different number of wave peaks were established. Radial displacement load and rotation variable about z axis 40 掳were applied to simulate the clamping and bending respectively, and the stress of the support was extracted. Radial support force, film-covered strain, cross-section deformation and bending moment are used as evaluation parameters. Results compared with the covered scaffolds with more wave peaks, the maximum radial force of the 5 wave peak covered scaffolds was observed in the process of gripping. In the bending simulation, the minimum torque of 68 N mm and the minimum bending cross section deformation degree of 67.5% were obtained, and the tensile strain of the film coating was smaller during the bending process. Conclusion the effect of wave peak number on biomechanical properties of Z-coated scaffolds is significant. The Z type covered stent with relatively small number of wave peaks has advantages in the evaluation of radial support performance, bending moment, deformation degree of cross section and so on, which is beneficial to the fixation of the covered stent in the blood vessel. It has positive significance to reduce complications such as thrombus and internal leakage. The results can be used to guide the optimal design of Z-type covered stent and the optimal choice of operation.
【作者单位】: 上海理工大学现代微创医疗器械及技术教育部工程研究中心;上海微创医疗器械(集团)有限公司;


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