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发布时间:2018-06-20 02:21

  本文选题:一期双侧膝关节置换 + 自体血回输 ; 参考:《广州医科大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to study the clinical effect of autologous drainage blood transfusion in one-stage bilateral knee arthroplasty. Methods: the patients in this study were admitted to our hospital from September 2014 to January 2017 and underwent one-stage double knee arthroplasty by the same group of doctors, from September 2014 to January 2017 in the first people's Hospital of Guangzhou. The autologous blood transfusion device produced by Green Qing Company was used after operation and a certain amount of postoperative bleeding was reinfused. In order to explore the safety and effectiveness of autologous blood transfusion, the data of autologous blood transfusion, allogeneic blood transfusion, recessive blood loss and so on were analyzed statistically, so as to explore the safety and effectiveness of autologous blood transfusion. At the same time, the clinical application of autologous blood transfusion in one-stage bilateral knee arthroplasty was discussed. Results: the average volume of autologous blood transfusion was 364 ml, the average total drainage volume was 758 ml, the average volume of recessive blood loss was 926 ml, the average volume of allogeneic blood transfusion was 250 ml, and the rate of allogeneic blood transfusion was 50 ml. The HCT of HBT in venous blood of 7 days after operation was significantly lower than that before operation, and reached the lowest value on the third day after operation, which was statistically significant compared with that before operation (P 0.05), and the levels of potassium ion, calcium ion and jaundice were within the normal range after operation. Blood smear staining showed that erythrocyte morphology remained intact, no red blood cell fragments were found, and the HCT of HBT in the drained blood decreased significantly compared with that before operation, and had statistical significance (P 0.05). The three levels of jaundice in draining blood were in the normal range, and the serum potassium level was increased. There was no fever, anaphylaxis, hemolytic jaundice and so on. Conclusion: the autologous blood transfusion device is safe and effective in the clinical application of one stage bilateral knee arthroplasty, which can reduce the transfusion volume and transfusion rate of allogeneic blood.


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