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发布时间:2018-06-21 18:28

  本文选题:干细胞 + 椎间盘退化 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年19期

【摘要】:背景:椎间盘退变与下腰痛密切相关,被认为是椎间盘突出症等椎间盘退行性疾病的病理基础,严重影响人们的生活质量。目前无论是保守治疗还是手术治疗都不能从根本上逆转或阻止椎间盘退变的病理发展。目的:归纳、总结近几年干细胞移植治疗退行性椎间盘疾病的研究进展,并分析所面临的挑战及潜在的解决方案。方法:通过检索数据库Pub Med查阅2016年9月之前的相关文献,纳入干细胞移植治疗椎间盘退变在体外实验、动物实验及临床试验方面的相关研究,分析该疗法所面临的主要问题。结果与结论:(1)干细胞移植的生物学修复技术为椎间盘退行性疾病提供新的治疗策略,迄今已在大量体外实验及动物模型中开展研究,并逐渐跨越至临床试验阶段,均取得显著成果;(2)然而,如何使干细胞移植后适应退变椎间盘的微环境、选择何种干细胞、如何掌握治疗的适应证等一系列问题对研究人员提出巨大挑战。
[Abstract]:Background: intervertebral disc degeneration is closely related to low back pain. It is considered to be the pathological basis of disc herniation and other degenerative diseases of intervertebral disc, which seriously affects people's quality of life. At present, neither conservative treatment nor surgical treatment can fundamentally reverse or prevent the pathological development of disc degeneration. Objective: to summarize and summarize the research progress of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of degenerative disc disease in recent years, and analyze the challenges and potential solutions. Methods: by searching the database Pub Med and consulting the relevant literature before September 2016, we included the related research of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration in vitro, animal experiment and clinical trial, and analyzed the main problems faced by the therapy. Results and conclusion the biological repair technique of stem cell transplantation provides a new strategy for the treatment of intervertebral disc degenerative diseases. Up to now, it has been studied in a large number of in vitro experiments and animal models, and has gradually crossed the stage of clinical trials. However, how to adapt the microenvironment of degenerative intervertebral disc after stem cell transplantation, how to select which stem cells and how to grasp the indications of treatment pose a great challenge to the researchers.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院骨科医院;


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